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Austin's POV

I paced back and forth in the living room. Where could she have gone? She says she went out for a run but it's already 5 pm and she still hasn't returned yet.

"Maybe she's lost somewhere..." Liam suggested.

I frowned and continue pacing.

"You're not helping, idiot," Chloe said.

"I can't contact her through the pack or mate bond."

"You don't think she got kidnapped do you?" asked Josh.

"No no it can't be," I said, sinking down onto the couch.

"Hm, Josh may be onto something here. Remember the first few weeks she came here? We went to the mall and she came out of the restroom looking like she's seen a ghost. There's another time when she first shifted into her dragon and a dart came out of no where, attached with a piece of paper."

I pulled at my hair. No, this can't be possible.

Our mate's in danger and you're not doing anything! Do something you idiot! Move it! my wolf, Kane, growled.

Just as I was about to reply I heard, help.

With a feeling of dread I burst through the door to search for my mate.

Skylar's POV

I was lying on something hard. I groaned and slowly blinked my eyes open. Where am I?

I looked around and saw nothing but stone walls and.... more stone walls. I'm in a silver barred cage. I tried standing up and heard a clink. I looked down and saw my feet and wrists have a silver band wrapped around them with silver chains tied to the wall. I tugged but no luck.

Ugh this is hopeless. I sat back down and looked around once more. It's then I noticed a figure sitting in a cell opposite of mine. I squinted to have a better look.

It was a young girl, probably around 15. She's wearing nothing but a thin nightgown. She has brown shoulder length hair, a bob cut.

I shuffled closer. "Hello?" I called out.

She looked up. I gasped in surprise. Her eyes, instead of both the same color, her right eye is green while her left eye is red. I stared.

"Hi," she says softly.

"What's your name?"

She paused, "Alice."

"I'm Skylar but call me Sky."

"Do you know why we're here?" I asked her.

She shook her head. "I was taken from my parents when I was very little. I don't remember much about them. I don't know why we're here. I've been here for 8 fucking years."

" What did they do to you?" I asked when I took a closer look at her.

I noticed there are bruises and scratches across her hands and face.

"They performed some weird tests but I don't know what because when I wake up I never knew what happened."

"Don't worry, I'll get us both out of here somehow."

With that, the conversion ended.

It was later on in the day or night the hidden stone door at the right corner opened. Well, I guess it won't be that secret anymore. The figure in the cloak walked in. It glanced at me and walked over to Alice's cell instead. It opened the door and pulled her out.

"Don't fucking touch me or I will cut your fucking balls off!" She screeched thrashing around.

It chuckled and said in a raspy voice, "You do that and I'll take away your wolf."

With that, Alice fell silent. It shoved her through the door and with one last glance at me, the door closed.

I don't know how long Alice has been gone. I paced the cell, looking for a way out. I stopped as the screeching of the door opened. The creature walked in, holding an unconscious Alice.

"What did you do to her?" I asked.

"Nothing you need to know about," It replied.

"Who are you?"

Suddenly it appeared in front of the silver bars of my cell and roared, "Shut the hell up!"

Startled, I scrambled back but it reached out a hand, with claws, and grasped my throat, lifting me up. I started coughing and scratched at its hand. I gasped for air as black dots swam in my vision. At the last minute it dropped me as I landed with a thud on the ground.

With a flash, it disappeared.

Austin's POV

I growled. There was no sign of her or a trace of her scent. I sent some of the pack warriors to the West while my group searched the North. I ran through the forest, sniffing at the ground.

Alpha, we should look for her tomorrow, it's getting late Josh said

I growled. I didn't want to stop searching for my beloved mate but the sun is starting to set. With a huff, my group and I ran back the way we came.

Once we arrived at the packhouse, I shifted back not bothering to put some clothes on and called my pack trackers.

"Alpha," Seth, one of my best trackers, greeted.

"Seth," I nodded, "The Luna has gone missing. Take the best trackers and look for my mate."

He dipped his head and headed out.

I paced, worried about what had happened to my mate.

Sklyar's POV

I yanked as I could on the chains, adding some of my dragons strength to it but to no avail. I sighed and sat down on the stone floor in frustration. I feel like a prisoner here. There's no window except for a tiny one about a hundred feet up. If I can reach that, I would've gotten out already.

"It's useless you know, I tried looking for a way out. They caught me and I received twenty fucking lashings," Alice said.

I felt sorry for her. Who knows how long she has been here. All those punishments... she doesn't deserve them.

"How old are you, Alice?"


I smiled at her. At the same time, the door creaked open and the creature came in. I don't know what species it is, it has scales and a tail, like a reptile.

It opened my door and walked in. Before I knew it, it jabbed a needle into my neck and the last thing I heard was Alice yelling at him.

Alice's POV

He unlocked her chains and lifted her up. Whatever he injected into her must be strong. She lost consciousness the moment he injected it.

"HEY! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH HER! LET HER GO!" I yelled at him, gripping the silver bars. Which burns, might I add.

"That is none of your concern."

"Uh, fuck yes it is my concern."

"Don't backtalk."

"Maybe you shouldn't be telling me what the fuck I do."

He hissed and without a backward glance, he left.

I sighed. I hope Sky's okay.


Hey guys I'm back! Damn, you guys and your death wishes. -shakes head-

Anywhoooooo, how's everyone doing?

OooOoo What do you think about Alice? She good? Bad?

What do you think the creature ?

Please comment and vote what you think!

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