First Impressions

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It was an exceptionally hot morning in Windsor, I remember it all too well. The last days of the summer were passing by as I tried to find my way to my first class. I entered law school because I was ambitious and I figured it was an easy way to make money, lawyers always seem to be wealthy or so I thought. I came all the way from Sarnia, a place I rarely left growing up. I was given a scholarship to study due to my hockey skills, I was selected and fortunate enough to enter a top university. It was hard to believe at first, coming from the lowest part of town back home to this elegant and prestigious institution, I felt inadequate as if I didn't belong there. I wanted an opportunity to further my studies. I was a good athlete but not exceptional, and, honestly, I didn't know if I even wanted to be. I enjoyed playing, but I knew it wasn't forever. 

I was tall and in good shape as sports were always my thing: they kept me busy and out of trouble back at home. My hair is light brown, and curled, I kept it longer on top and short in the back, some covering my forehead. My eyes resemble my mother's, I guess, jade-green hooded shape. I may look like my father, I don't know, some things about me I don't see in her, like the shape of my face longer than hers, my nose most definitely not hers, slightly turned-up, with wide lips underneath. I would keep a short beard as I thought it made me look older and more mature.

I know I had an odd look, girls used to tell me I seemed strange and dark. I serious, feeling my eyebrows tensely pulled on my brow. It was difficult to smile, and I would constantly be in my own head, not talking much, sitting alone in a corner in class, minding my own business. Even to my closest friends, which weren't many, I was inaccessible.

On Wednesday after lunch, I attended my first Introduction to Law class. I entered the classroom early, one of those ancient seeming wooden chambers, with the professor's desk on a platform, and seats lined up on a semi-circle, much too big for the number of students. There were framed pictures and newspaper articles on the walls. I was nosing around, the rest of the class was chatting, some already seated, others standing up. Walking by the wall, I was distracted as I reached the window behind the desk. I turned around, leaning on the window's frame. As if it happened a minute ago, I remember perfectly clearly when I saw her: an instant shotgun firing right to the middle of my head. I wasn't that interested in women back then, I guess I was sort of normal, liked them but I also liked to be alone. I had already too much in my mind to deal with.

She was wearing a cardigan, black of course, with short sleeves, and silver buttons, but the cleavage was right there, her bare chest glowing against the black fabric. She had on a tiny gray skirt and black socks up to her thighs, sitting on the very first table, legs crossed, talking to some guy. He was standing in front of her, so obviously going out of his way to make her laugh, overly using his hands, as she just nodded, with a blank expression on her face.

Glancing around, she was bored with whatever he was saying, when she caught me leering like a hungry wolf, my jaw could've easily touched the ground. I think we both knew it right then, that very first stare, she knew what I was, the perverted way I glared at her: she liked it.

She went back to talking to this guy as I lost myself in an open examination of her legs. I could tell she was spying on me, but I couldn't stop, glad I didn't, because then she gave me the look, the one I can't withstand. I saw her drive her eyes all over me, taking her index finger to her mouth. She bit her nail, dragging her finger down, pulling her lower lip. The entire class dispersed behind her, only that guy talking to her on this side. Why was I suddenly sweating from every pore on my skin? Trying to get a grip on myself, and cool down somehow, I took my sweatshirt off. I pulled my t-shirt up too (accidentally on purpose), and, as I yanked it back down, that was the first time I saw the smile I was talking about before. I knew she liked what she saw. I didn't know what was happening to me, never watched anyone so engrossed. I guess something inside screamed: she is a dark creature, like you.

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