King of the World

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We soon discovered that by avoiding people, we became somehow known. They were very curious about what we were doing, where we were going all the time, and why we were never seen at parties or school events. Very rarely we went to parties on campus, only if we knew it was worth it. It was always the same: we'd make it there in her luxurious car, walking side by side, my arm on her shoulder. She always wore something extremely sexy, feeling the heads turning to us. She had that look on her face, she'd look people straight in the eye, just to make them uncomfortable of course, she knew exactly how. I've seen men tripping or dropping stuff when she aimed maliciously at them.

Everyone knew who she was, and I was starting to get popular too, mostly because of hockey, but also because of this mysterious aura around us. God knows how I loved it, we used to really freak people out. The things they were saying about us! There was even a rumor that we were brother and sister, others seemed to think we had a kid, and others thought we were some kind of dark worshipers like goth or something. We laughed about it. We really didn't care what people thought. Indeed, we were freaks, but only because no one knew us, and we liked it that way.

We were the same, if we weren't studying, we were wrestling under the sheets, and both activities were carried out with the same diligence and dedication. When we were out, having fun, she would always find us something for recreation: we got drunk on champagne that cost more than everything I owned. We took all colored pills; we smoked only the organic stuff. All that got me thinking she just wanted someone like her, someone to be there for her, but never stop her. She invited me into a world I never even dreamed of. I was pretty much living with her. I didn't spend many nights in my dorm, she just made it clear she wanted me around. She kept me on top of my studies, she once came home with one of those old-fashioned long yellow rulers. She would watch me study and if I got distracted, she would hit me on my back with it. The first time she did it, I was distracted going through my phone, she grabbed it without even looking at it and she hit me on my hand not too hard, making me drop the phone on the book I was supposed to be reading. She said, "you only have a couple of free hours a day. It's going to be your choice: phone and silly distractions or sex and more sleep. Guess which one is better for you?" I straightened up, grinning.

"Yes, ma'am, absolutely. Please, do remind me when I space out with that lovely ruler of yours, you have my consent. Can't lose sex or sleep, no we cannot." A devilish smile appeared on her face, and from then on, I never was distracted again.

The college experience was nothing I could've ever imagined.

On the ice, I just kept getting better and better. I was packed with endorphins as I had no stress in my life. Not only I didn't have to worry about getting laid anymore, but I was also convinced I was having the best quality sex in that college, and in the city, perhaps. We wanted to try it all. She had no limits, the things we started to say to each other... there were no boundaries.

Just before half term, she picked me up from practice to go out for dinner. It had been four months since we met, and she wanted to celebrate. We began the night early by going for sushi, we sat on a corner next to each other. I recall how happy she was that night. Then, she placed a box on the table.

"For me?" I asked.

"Of course."

I opened it, and inside there was a new phone.

"What? NO!" I said outraged. "No."

"No what?"

"I don't want you to buy me stuff like this."

"Why not?"

"Because...I don't need it. I don't want anything from

you, but you."

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