New Precedents

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A day I never thought would come. I sold my practice, and I am not deciding just now what to do. I have been working since I was twelve with the exception of the two summers back in college with her. I am taking things slow. I have accumulated enough as it is and made a few investments moves in the last couple of years that are paying off. This is a decision I made years ago, when I started suffering from stress and a sense of purposelessness at work. I am grateful to have proven myself and have created my own wealth but now is the time to do something different.

My uncle and aunt helped me back then, I wanted to help them. I know my uncle would never take my money. As I said before I used to enjoy working with him, so I convinced him to sell me half of his business. We invested in renewing it. I only had gladness watching him making plans, feeling his energy renewed. He worked there since he was a young man, just paying bills and always hanging by a thread. We bought new equipment, a paint job, and a new sign outside. I insisted he would be busier now, so he needed some apprentices. We come up to see them most weekends, I help with the paperwork while Sam gets covered in stains as she cannot help but touch everything.

My mother and I keep in touch, she calls Sam all the time. As we expanded the workshop, we needed more hands to help, so she started to work, assisting my uncle

with the administration. I taught her how and we spend bizarre yet fulfilling moments together getting all set up. Rick tried to prevent her from leaving him, of course, and I was concerned about their separation, if she was going to do it or not. But she was decided, left when he wasn't there and didn't look back. With her new perception of things and her desire to be a part of this family, she finally woke up. I never thought I could have that impact in her, but I see now the way Charly supported me and I her, understanding my mother never had that. I am grateful to whatever brought this help to me and even more so that I can be that to others now. I sleep and rest in absolute peace, knowing all the women in my life are safe.

I close the door to my apartment with the last of my stuff, I feel nothing but completion. Five months since we reunited and now, I am finally going home. I savor every moment, I take the stairs knowing well it is the last time, farewell to every step. I go out into the street, I look around once more at my block, the traffic, the smoke, and the noise. I smile at it, I say my goodbyes to this life that at one point felt so permanent, almost made to give up all hope. I thought this day would never come.

The traffic lights are a delight now that tomorrow I won't have to deal with them. I think about how I was right; I was stubbornly confident she wasn't done teaching me, she has this way to translate things for me. When we were together in college, she ran out of room to expand, miserably attached to a routine we were too afraid to change. When you know in your heart someone is special, you don't give up. But it is true what they say, what is meant for you, you set it free.

And if it makes its way back to you, it's the real thing.

As I open the door, immediately this heavy scent rushes into my nose. Walking in, I am surprised at the feeling of silence and peace. Is she asleep already? I haven't seen her in three days, I was hoping to play. The lights are low and I can hear the fire burning as I enter the room. I see Charly sitting on the floor. She has moved the sofa and the coffee table to the side. On the floor, a soft rug, lovely color white. She kneels while sitting on her feet, wearing a black robe slightly opened by her chest, I can see her skin. She has a few things placed in front of her on the carpet. Her hair is loose and long, seeming reddish with the fire burning behind. Her hands are placed together on her knees, an aura of complete emancipation from all worries, all she is doing is smiling almost levitating.

"What's this?" I ask excitedly. She stands up pacing to me, her robe is thin and heavy dropping at her feet.

"This is my welcome ceremony. I was hoping to have you all to myself tonight." Her arms around my neck, bringing me closer, she kisses me softly. Her lips feel like I'm suddenly submerging under water, a full body sensation.

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