chapter nine

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Eira was in a state of almost bliss. It was easy to stay in Fangtasia with Eric and merely forget all her problems. It was so easy because he made her unbelievably happy.

But problems couldn't merely be forgotten. The death of her mother was still a fresh wound that got ripped right open when a lawyer came looking for her to settle the affairs of her mother.

Eric was sitting on the throne and she was sitting in his lap when the lawyer found her. He looked so out of place in his pressed suit and the way he tried to avoid everyone he passed in the crowd. But then he stopped in front of the throne and he spoke nervously, "Are you Eira Lockhart? I was told I could find you here."

"Yes, that's me," she replied as she felt Eric tighten his hold around her protectively.

"I'm here on behalf of your mother..." and with those words, her heartbreak was back.


Eira was now in the office talking to the lawyer. Eric leaned against the desk and had his arms crossed against his chest, his presence looming over the room.

"Well, I need you to sign some papers and the estate will pass to you," the lawyer explained as he handed her some forms.

She quickly signed them, wanting to be done with it. She handed them back to the man who put them in his briefcase. Then he pulled out an envelope, "Your mother also gave me very specific instructions. You were only to receive this upon her death."

Eira quickly snatched the envelope that her name on it written that she recognized as her mother's handwriting. She smiled a bit before she tore the envelope open and pulled out a letter. When she unfolded it, though, she frowned as she realized there was absolutely nothing on the paper.

"But it's blank," Eira frowned.

The lawyer shrugged, "She only said that once you received it that you would know what to do."

"Very sorry for your loss," the lawyer tipped his head in acknowledgment before he left.

Eira sighed sadly as she looked down at the blank piece of paper, "She left me a black letter."

"Let me see it," Eric said and she handed it to him. She leaned against the desk beside him with her arm brushing against his.

"It's not completely blank," he informed as he pointed to a symbol in the corner of the page; it matched the birthmark she had of the sun exactly.

"But I don't know what it means," she pouted as she leaned her head against his arm. "It's hopeless."

"You've become so pessimistic," he chuckled.

She looked up at him before she smiled a bit, "You could kiss me and make me less so."

Eric grinned as he shook his head before he leaned over and pressed a chaste kiss to her forehead which made her furrow her eyebrows in confusion. He cupped her cheek, "Your mother didn't leave this absentmindedly. You'll figure it out."

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