chapter thirty-two

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A week passed.

Eric considered what to do for this date. He called Pam into his office to talk it over and figure out what exactly was expected of him.

"A date?" Pam raised her eyebrows.

Eric looked at her carefully as he leaned against the front of his desk. He had his arms crossed as he admitted reluctantly, "Eira...wants one."

Pam smirked in amusement, "Oh, this is good. I can't to see this."

"I'm so glad," he said sarcastically as he glared at her. "Now will you fucking help me? What does a fucking date consist of?"

"How would I know? I haven't been on a date in this century," Pam stated.

Eric growled, "Then just get out."

"I didn't say I couldn't help," Pam rolled her eyes before she called out loudly. "Ginger."

The woman with a very distinct scream came into the office, "You called?"

"We did," Pam said. "Ginger, what do you humans do on dates?"

"Oh, well, a lot of people go to the movies or go out to dinner. But it could be lots of things really," Ginger said politely.

       "That's it? There's not more?" Eric frowned, not liking how mundane it sounded.

            Pam argued, "She said a date, Eric. You only have to do the bare minimum."

             "She's my lover," Eric said in an hardened tone. "She deserves more than the bare minimum."

            Eira was his human, his lover, his everything. She would receive only what befit her status; not that of some average human. It was insulting to think of. No, she would only ever receive the extraordinary from him.

           Pam did not understand Eric when he got like this and acted the romantic. She had never seen him like it and she had never cared for anything besides Eric, as her maker, so she could not understand it. She never understood why he had to go above and beyond for Eira just to impress her. She knew that it was because he was in love with her but she didn't see why love had to make him act without being level-headed; not that Eric was known for giving a damn about the consequences of his actions but he, at least, used to act smarter. But she couldn't deny that Eira was special in her own way and the girl had even saved her own life.

            Pam sighed, "Eric, if you're in this deep for the girl then turn her. The longer you wait the more dangerous it gets for the both of you."

             "It sounds like you care about her as well, Pam."

          "Well, she has grown on me."

          Then Ginger, who was still in the room, asked hesitantly. "Is this for Eira?"

"It is," Pam answered.

Ginger immediately squealed as she smiled happily, "Why didn't you just say so? If you wanted to do something special, you could take her to some fancy restaurant and then to that cute, little bakery around the corner. Once you do that, you could bring her back here where Fangtasia would be closed for the night. You'd bring her inside and she'd be in for surprise because it'd be decorated back into the movie store where you two first met. Of course, you could string up some fairy lights and make it real romantic. She'd just love it. I mean, I-I think she'd love it."

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