chapter thirty

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  A month passed.

The bracelet that had been keeping her magic at bay now came off since Velma was gone. Although, she didn't attempt to use her powers. She had no idea if what happened in the forest made them permanently disappear but she didn't really care about finding out in the month that passed.

          Everything was so peaceful she had no reason to test her powers. But a lot of things had changed since her return. Eric told her that he only drank blood once a month; and he drank Tru-Blood. She was baffled.

She was quite worried about how little he drank. And she had practically insisted that he drink from her but he had refused. But with the way his eyes lingered on the vein in her neck when she insisted, it was obvious he still craved her blood. But he absolutely would not budge on the issue.

The other thing that changed was the fact that Eric was still distant. It was odd because he spent quite a bit of time with her; he didn't distance himself from her but rather he kept himself from doing things with her like kissing. She could count on one hand the number of times he kissed her for the whole month.

She could not understand what was wrong with him. He had always wanted to kiss her before. She had even tried to start a make-out session while laying in her bed.

She had straddled him before pressing her lips to his. And he responded just like he always did. But before she could kiss him more deeply, he moved her off of him before getting up, mumbling again about being needed at Fangtasia and leaving.

She was utterly mystified. She started to question if he even wanted her anymore, if he was even attracted to her any longer. But then she started to pay closer attention to him.

He was always standing rather stiff around her and never pulled her too close but just close enough. When they did briefly kiss, he would clench his fists like he was restraining himself from touching her. And then she realized what it all meant: he wanted her too much.

She felt like such an idiot. That night she attempted to make out with him was practically teasing him, torturing him. But then again it wasn't like Eric talked to her about how his feelings; she had to play a lot of guesswork but two and a half years made her quite good at reading Eric.

But now that she knew, or guessed she knew, what Eric was feeling, she had a lot of time to think about how she felt. Now that she was back in Bon Temps, she no longer felt insecure. If her time with her grandmother proved anything, it was that she was sure of her love for Eric. It wasn't going to change. And she wanted everything with him. So she planned to start.


        It was now November and it was her birthday. She was turning twenty-two. There was to be a party at Merlotte's later. She had just got out of the shower and was wearing a robe while she picked out her outfit. She held multiple outfits hanging on the tall mirror that she narrowed it down to last night. She had been so indecisive because, well, she wanted to look pretty for what she was planning.

        She was currently holding a dress against her to see if she liked the color against her skin. But then a person came into view in the mirror with a little smirk.

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