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Stress, such a terrible enemy, and yet so real,

Its the invisible enemy, that's often hard to comprehend and deal,

For stress, it's a weight on our shoulders that's often hard to bear,

Its the invisible enemy, with a heavy burden to share,

For stress, it's a feeling of panic and fear,

Its the invisible enemy, that often leaves us in tears,

For stress, it's the feeling of being overwhelmed, and of being lost,

Its the invisible enemy, that often leaves us without purpose,

For stress, it's a feeling of being worn down, to our core,

Its the invisible enemy, that often leaves us with nothing to do,

For stress, it's the weight that we carry with us each day,

Its the invisible enemy, with a burden so heavy to lift and to carry,

But let's not let stress, defeat us, and take us away,

For in our journey, there will be obstacles, and challenges we need to surmount,

For in our journey, there will be moments of happiness, and laughter,

And it's in these moments, that we'll find our worth,

So let's embrace the journey, and let's embrace the obstacles,

For in stress, we'll find strength, and courage, to push forth,

And it's in strength and courage that we'll find our purpose, and our place,

For stress, it's the enemy that we all face,

But it's by embracing the journey, that we find our own strength,

And it's by embracing the journey, that we find our own light,

For in love, we find purpose, and we find our strength,

And it's in love, we find our courage, and we find our place.

So let's embrace the journey, and let's find our own strength,

It's in stress, that we find purpose, and it's through our pain, that we find our worth,

It's in love, that we find, our home.

For stress, it's a terrible enemy, and yet so real,

It's an invisible enemy, that often leaves us without a feel,

But let's embrace the journey, and let's find our own strength,

It's through our suffering, that we find purpose, and our place.

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