Toxic friends

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At first they seem like saints, the best of friends,
Whose every word is truth and every deed is bends
They love you deeply, without question, without doubt,
But then you see the cracks, when you start to shout.

They tell you secrets, and they make you feel at home,
But then they start to talk behind your back, all alone.
They make you feel small, and they make you feel sad,
They'll do anything to make themselves glad.

There's always drama, there's always a fight,
When you try to speak, they shut you out of sight.
Their criticism is harsh, and it wounds like a knife,
They make you feel less than, and that's not right.

They take your kindness and they use it for their own gain,
And when they leave, you're still left with the strain.
They think they're better than, and they make you feel worse,
And that's not what friendship should cause, not at its core.

Toxic friendships aren't worth the tears you cry,
They'll drain you of your energy and leave you dry.
You deserve to be surrounded by people who care,
Who lift you up and help you grow, everywhere.

So, if you're in a friendship toxic, and you feel the hurt,
Walk away, and never look back, and learn what it means to be well-versed.

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