The Dangerous Things

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I have skin made of paper


A blank canvas

Constantly torn from life

For life

For others

Because I would tear myself apart to protect them

I have bones made of glass,



And fragile

One wrong step

One bad fall

And it all shatters

Littered with cracks poorly mended

Because the show must go on

And I have no problem with shattering myself for you

I have a heart that is punctured

Stabbed open by my glass bones

The cracks spider

And make their way

As colour


My very being

Dripping down

Through my paper skin

Because I would rather use it all to kindle and fuel a fire

To warm you

For this world is far too cruel

And you far too kind

So let me cover you

And give you the love and care you deserve

Poetry Of A JournalistWhere stories live. Discover now