I hate myself because...

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I really do hate myself.

I hate myself because the way my hair falls beside my face.

And the way my eyes glisten in the sun.

I hate myself because I wake up in the morning, looking in the mirror,

Only to find my least favorite person staring back.

From the way my chest rises and falls when I breathe,

To buried emotions I've be too lost to confront.

I can't stand any part of me.

I really am afraid of myself.

Im afraid the words I speak are not the truth and that I've forgotten who I am.

I'm afraid nothing will be enough to make me feel whole.

From the way I can barely contain my shame

To the nightmares thst come to life in my head

I wish I had to courage to accept myself.

I hate myself because my body isn't fit enough

Or my skin isn't shiny enough.

I hate myself because my voice is too loud or too soft

And my name is the worst of it all.

From the way I move to the way I talk

To the nights I spend alone

People ask my why I hate myself

I hate myself because?

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