I have a secret that nobody knows

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Jin slowly woke up from his sleep, feeling a certain pain inside his head.

“Arghhh..” He pulled his hair in pain. And sat on the bed for a minute.

He knows why he was feeling this headache. Because he remembers them going to drink yesterday night to get over the news.

After taking his time to slowly massage his head, he looked around to know the time. But

“Oh sh*t, this isn't my room.” He quickly stood up.

“Oh, I forgot I slept at Jimin's place.” Jin relaxed for a second, But

“Oh no, this isn't Jimin's room either."

He panicked when he saw Jungkook’s paintings on the wall.

“What mess have we made?" Jin pulled his hair in more frustration.

When Jin slowly sneaked out of Jungkook’s room, he saw Yoongi in the kitchen, but Jungkook was nowhere to be seen, and he was relieved about that. Without making Yoongi notice him, he quickly made his way to the door. But

“Jimin. Where is Jimin?” He asked himself when realization hit him.

“He is sleeping in my room.” Yoongi said casually, without looking at Jin, and continued to cook.

Jin quickly ran to Yoongi’s room and was relieved after seeing Jimin peacefully sleeping on Yoongi’s bed.

“Jimin. Jimin Wake up. We have to go.” Jin began to shake Jimin.

“5 more minutes, Jinnie. We don’t have class today.” Jimin whined without opening his eyes.

"Jimin, we are not in your house, idiot."

Jimin opened his eyes and frowned. Then he looked around. He jumped up from the bed when he saw an unfamiliar room.

“How the hell do we end up here?” He asked in pure shock.

“I thought at least you remembered anything. Who knows what messes we created last night?"


“Try this one.” Jimin said as he was showing Jin another shirt from his cupboard to wear to Jungkook’s engagement.

“I said I was not coming.” Jin said it angrily.

Despite how hard he was trying to convince his best friend that he was not going to attend the event, Jimin was adamant about showing Jin at Jungkook’s engagement.

“Then stay at home and cry like a coward.” Jimin furiously dropped the shirt on the floor.

“For whom are you going to stay here? For the one who doesn't value your feelings? Show him what he misses. Show him he is not worth it for you. Show him how foolish he was to not choose you.”

Jin fell silent, and Jimin’s words began to run through his mind.

“Aren’t you two coming or not?” Namjoon asked from downstairs.

"I am going to change. You decide whether to put your ass here or show it at the event.”

Jimin picked up the shirt he selected for himself and walked out of the room.


“Holy moly,” Teahyung said, making Jin jump a little because Teahyung made him startled by suddenly commenting, coming from nowhere.

“You look absolutely stunning.” Teahyung’s sudden compliments blushed Jin.

Jin looked ethereal in the white shirt that had silver glitter on every side, which was shining in the lights, with a black casual pant that perfectly fit him.

“Yes, that’s what I have been saying, but I think he didn’t like the outfit; he has been gloomy all the time after wearing it.”

“If you at least know why he was gloomy,” Jimin muttered slowly.

Namjoon, Jin, Jimin, and Teahyung were now at the entrance. There aren’t many guests for the event, but it was quite an expensive one from the whole look. Jin noticed the lighting and slow music. He bitterly smiled when he learned from his hyung that Jungkook avoided most lights and music for Jin. What's the point of taking care of the person after breaking him apart?

They then, together, made their way inside the hall. Jimin purposely pulled Namjoon along with him and walked with him, leaving Taehyung and Jin to walk together.

Jin hesitated to walk more when he saw Jungkook talking with the guests. Jungkook was looking handsome as always in his expensive black suit. Namjoon and Jimin greeted them and started to talk with them. Jin's heart began to beat fast with every step he took toward Jungkook. He really wants to run away from here.

“Do you want anything to drink?” Teahyung asked suddenly.

"Yes,” Jin said, taking the opportunity to relax a bit. He moves to the side with Taehyung to have a drink.

Jin's confidence began to decline as time passed. He decided not to become emotional or sad about the event, but he couldn't hold back it when the event began to start. After a few minutes, Lisa entered the hall wearing a beautiful gown with her friends. Everyone began to talk about how beautiful she was looking. Jin's eyes have never left Lisa since the time she came there.

"Yeppu-dha,” Teahyung said.

"Yes,” Jin said, agreeing with Teahyung and still looking at her with sad eyes.

"I'm telling about you.” Teahyung Siad, causing Jin to suddenly look at him, showing his big alpaca eyes.
Teahyung smiled.

After a few minutes, the event started. Jungkook’s Appa welcomed everyone and made a little speech before calling both Jungkook and Lisa on to the stage.

Jimin joined Jin and Teahyung because he knows his friend needs him at this time. Jimin slowly looked at Jin, who was hesitant to look at Jungkook before and was now looking at the couple without any emotion. He knew how hard his best friend was trying to hold back the emotions.

When Jungkook took the ring in his hand, he slowly looked at the crowd. He could see a gloomy face gaining his attention in the whole crowd. He took a deep breath before putting the ring on Lisa’s finger. And then Lisa put the ring on his finger. She softly smiled, looking at the ring in his hand, then looked at Jungkook with the same smile. Jungkook tried a smile. And then he again looked into the crowd. He doesn’t know why, but his eyes are always going to that particular one who's in the crowd. He wanted to go down and speak with him, But

“Kiss, kiss.” The crowd suddenly began to shout at them. Jungkook got nervous and looked at Lisa, who was still smiling at him.

Jin felt like he wanted to shut everyone up and scream at them, but he couldn't. He stood There motionless in the middle of the crowd, which was cheering for Jungkook and Lisa to kiss.

Jungkook can see Jin's eyes welling up and feeling suffocated by the cheers. But

"Jungkook.” He heard Lisa’s soft call. He turned towards her, who was coming closer to kiss him.

When Jin saw the couple were going to kiss, he stepped back a little, looking away from them, turned around, and walked away from there quickly.

"Jin.” Jimin called worriedly and tried to go behind Jin, but Taehyung stopped him.

“I will take care of him.” Teahyung said and quickly followed Jin, leaving Jimin there.

“Jin” Taehyung called, coming from behind, but despite his calls, Jin didn’t turn back and walked fast, now fully crying and with a heavy heart.

Teahyung stepped faster to reach Jin, but someone suddenly pulled him to the side.

“Why are you following him?" Yoongi asked angrily, pushing Taehyung to the wall, making no one see them. Teahyung stood steadily after being pushed into the wall and straightened his dress.

“Oh, Yoongi, long time not seen.” Teahyung said with a smirk.

“I didn’t ask for your greetings. What are you doing here?"

Teahyung luaghed historically after hearing Yoongi’s question.

“Me? I came here to play."

Yoongi furiously looked at Teahyung as he continued.

“I came to continue the game I have started."

Yoongi instantly gave a hard punch to Teahyung after hearing that.

“You bastard, stop playing with him."
He was about to give another pinch, but Teahyung’s words stopped him.

“Why? Didn’t you also play along?"
Yoongi’s expression changed, and he slowly put his hands down.
Teahyung smirked.

“I don’t know why you still haven’t told Namjoon that it was me, but"
Teahyung stopped, causing Yoongi to look at him.

“Thank you,” Teahyung said, showing a victory smile and patting Yoongi's shoulder before leaving.

Yoong furiously stood there, unable to do anything, looking at Teahyung, who was leaving the place. He kicked the table there angrily and let out a frustrated scream.

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