The Apology

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Jin tossed and turned in his bed when the same noise kept disturbing his sleep. After annoyingly waking up from his peaceful sleep, he took his phone from the stand and looked at his ID. He groaned, expressing his frustration, before declining the call and slipping again into sleep.

After a few minutes, he heard banging on his door and a bunch of yelling from his best friend.

“Wake up, you pig. The marriage will end soon.”

Jin shot, opened his eyes after hearing that, and looked at the time.

“Sh*t, I am late.”


Jimin side-eyed Jin when he came to the hall in a hurry, still buttoning the sleeves of his shirt. Jin started to take a steady breath once he stood near Jimin and his hyung. He was thankful that Jimin managed to give an excuse to Namjoon about his late appearance.

“Take this; you are sweating.”

“Thanks Chim.” Jin said, showing a guilty smile after taking the handkerchief that just his friend offered.

Jin relaxed for a moment, and his eyes casually went through the surroundings, and he quickly diverted them away when they met Jungkook’s. Jungkook kept staring at Jin the whole time, which made him nervous and anxious. He wanted this function to end as soon as possible so that he could escape from Jungkook's stares that were piercing through his soul.

After the bride and groom arrived, the priest stood in front of them and began to ask for their consent.

“Jung Haechul, would you accept Song Hyeri as your husband?”

The moment the priest asked it, Jin's eyes unknowingly locked with Jungkook's.They also had a beautiful small wedding, which they cherished most at that time. And the memories began to flood inside them. Jin suddenly jolted from those memories when everyone began to applaud when the couple kissed. He quickly wiped away the tears that formed in the corner of his eyes.

Everyone waved at the bride and groom when they left the car. Mrs.Jung's eyes well up unknowingly after sending off his son.

“Aigoo, look the big baby is crying.” Hoseok said smiling and hugged his Eomma.

“Don’t cry at my wedding also. Ok?”

"This is why I told you both to marry on the same day. So that I won't cry twice."

“Only my consent isn’t needed for my marriage, Eomma.” Hoseok said, and his Eomma smiled and looked at Jin.

"At least an engagement won't hurt." Mrs.Jung said, wiping her tears.

Jin suddenly felt uneasy when everyone's attention slowly shifted to him.

“I think I have to use the washroom; excuse me.” Jin immediately left the classroom, which made them chuckle.


Jin slapped his cheeks a few times after splashing water on his face. It somehow soothed his anxiety. After composing himself, he looked at his reflection one last time before he started to leave the washroom. He was about to open the door when suddenly Jungkook came and closed the door behind him.

“W-w-what are you doing?” Jin suttered, seeing Jungkook unexpectedly in front of him.

“I want to talk with you.”

“I don’t want to hear anything, open the door.”

“Jin, please.”

Jin let out a deep sigh, realizing that speaking up would be pointless, and tried to open the door by himself. But Jungkook pulled Jin away and moved him to the corner.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“Please hear me out!” Jungkook yelled back. Jin stopped struggling and fell silent.

"I know you've been through a lot because of me. I pushed you into a situation where you began to seek the help of a therapist to move on. I broke your heart, despite my commitment not to. I should have brought you infinite love and happiness, but instead I became the source of your heartbreak. I messed up. No, I messed up every time. I am really sorry for everything I have done. I understand that apologizing has become a habit. But I'll stop it here. I swear not to be the cause of your eyes welling up with tears, which will only happen out of happiness and not to break your heart. Please give me another chance to prove myself,my feelings, and my love for you."

When Jungkook stopped, all he saw in Jin’s eyes was a boring expression.

“Are you done? Can I go back?”

Jin removed Jungkook’s hold and walked towards the door. But before he reached the door, he was slammed again against the wall by Jungkook.

“I'm dead serious!” Jungkook yelled out.

“I don’t love you!” Jin yelled back.

“Stop lying.”

“I am not lying; I like Hoseok.”

“But you can't let go of the person your heart chooses. I know I'm the only one in your heart. I know you still love me."

Jin was feeling weak after hearing Jungkook’s words. If he stays there any longer, he is afraid he will surrender himself. So he tries to remove Jungkook’s hold from his body. But Jungkook held both hands, led them up in between Jin's head, and moved closer, completely pressing his body against Jin's.

“Please listen to your heart for once. It only says my name. You only love me. Only me.”

Jungkook’s breath faded over Jin's lips, as there was merely a gap between their lips. Jin's heart began to beat crazily. His every breath was like Jungkook’s. Their eyes locked when they felt each other's heartbeat.
Jungkook leaned closer to capture Jin’s lips, but before that, Jin suddenly pushed him with all his strength, opened the door, and got outside. And the first person he saw there was Hoseok.

“What took you too much time?”

Hoseok approached Jin with a small smile, but it faded when he saw Jungkook coming out of the washroom behind Jin. Jin intrusively shut his eyes in embarrassment. Jungkook gave them a silent glance before he left.


“Sorry, about earlier. Jungkook unexpectedly entered the bathroom, and I listened to him.”

Jin spoke, breaking the awkward silence between them.

“You don’t have to say sorry about it. I can already understand.”

“Sorry for my Eomma. I think she makes you uncomfortable by suddenly throwing questions about my wedding."

“Its fine. She just said what every mother will say to her son.”

“I think we agreed to carry this relationship slowly. But it's already rushing.”

“Hoseok, I-"

“I know you are not ready to take this relationship to the next level. I can totally understand that. You don’t have to worry about anyone. Don’t force yourself. We can wait until you are completely fine with everything. And even if you don’t feel anything, I can still be your best friend. So don’t pressure yourself. I will always be here to listen to you.”

Jin feels overwhelmed after hearing Hoseok‘s words. He let the tears wet his face and buried his face into Hoseok’s chest as he felt unable to hold back his emotions. Hoseok, with a gentle, sweet smile, placed his hands on Jin’s back and pulled him closer.

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