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I burnt myself for you, as I want to show you the sparkle of my love that lit up my soul only for you. Do I sound mad? Or insane, wait for the right moment it will surely tell you about my madness.

I'm at the army hospital to get dressed up for my burned hand. By the way, what was happened to me at night? Why the fuck did I burn my hand? And the answers are my silence.

"How did you burn your hand, Major?" Dr. Rajiv asked while my eyes were pinned to the hanging portrait on the wall. The portrait has only blue color, and that again reminded me of the blue eyes of that anklet girl.

"I had been saving my life, that's why I got hurt", I said in my sharp cold tone. "Don't worry, it will be healed soon", the doctor said, and I nodded. I grabbed my jacket from the side chair and stood up. "I have prescribed some medicine that will heal the wound soon", the doctor said.

"Forget it, doctor, taking medicine pisses me off", I grinded my teeth. I walked out from there. Who takes pills for minor injuries? I threw my jacket into the Jeep and got seated. "I think some shots of rum would be the perfect choice to treat you", I said while bending my burned hand to my chest.

I accelerated and I left the hospital. After driving for 30 minutes, my phone rang. "Yeah, Arjun", I said while gripping the steering wheel. "Did you get your checkup?" he asked. "Yeah, I'm done", I chuckled. "Can you please pick me up? I'm nearby, Hussain dhaba", he said.

"Fine, I'll be there", I said while speeding up my Jeep.


I finally reached the destination that Arjun told me. I could see him through the windscreen frame. I pushed brakes, "You are rude, but a lifesaver guy as well", he paused when I glared at him. My glare drops his smile instantly.

"Might be rude is offensive for you", he chuckled. He can't be silent for a few minutes. "Not at all, as a rude word glorifies my personality", I said but he cut me off, "Yeah, the angry man personality", he giggled.

"Can we have lunch together, as we are near your favourite place", he chuckled and I nodded. I stopped the car at Hussain's dhaba and got down from the car. I wore a black commando t-shirt. I often stop at this dhaba to have a cup of tea and eat several times. My heart was comforted either by the battlefield or by Hussain's dhaba, where I spent some alone time.

"We have to catch the train tomorrow," he chuckled, while I followed him. My eyes were pinned to the flower pots passing by. "Why don't you answer me, Ranvijay?" I paused on my steps as he glared at me. He held my hand and flashed my watch at my face, "Don't you have sufficient words to have a conversation?" He said, "It's only 2 pm, I think you would have some words still left", He was annoyed.

"Yeah, I know", I said while the Hussain approached me. "Ranvijay bhai, you have come after a long time", he chuckled. Hussain is very fond of me and I also love him. He is brilliant in his studies, but his father doesn't have sufficient money so I bear his study expenses.

"How have you been, Hussain? '', I said in a cold tone while petting his head. "How's your studies going?". Arjun, on the other hand, fixed himself on Charpai.

"Very good, bhai, I study hard as I want to be an army officer like you", he chuckled and it forced a little smile on my face. Smiling is difficult for me as I don't know how to smile but I have done a PhD in how to be aggressive. The sparks I could see in his eyes made me sure that he would be the best officer for sure.

"Yes, absolutely, and I think you would be a braver officer than me", I said low in breath. "Hussain, bring chicken curry, egg curry, and naan for us", Arjun ordered while my unwanted glares were pinned on him. "Relaxed, angry man, we can celebrate our cheat day today", he chuckled.

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