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I never had a pleasant morning before, like today. The paradise was right in front of me and the beautiful angel was breathing next to me.....sorry, not next to me. She was breathing into me!

I never admitted this but I had fell in love with Kashish at first sight. The obsession I felt for her is exact, I had for that anklet girl. But I don't want to accept my inner voice, as I can't undo my love for that anklet girl.

And what about your, would be wife, major?

Fuck, did I forget about her? When did you remember her?

That's why I sort it out myself with the decision that I'm going to be rude with Kashish until we stay here together. My rudeness is the only way to keep distance from her. On that day, when I was sitting alone near the river, I came to three conclusions.

I decided one thing: Stay away from her!!
I promised one thing: I wouldn't fall for her!!
I learnt one thing: Kashish will soon going to be injuries to my health!! So forget her!!

You have made so many promises to yourself major, would you be able to fulfil all of them? My inner voice roared like my commanding officer. Of course I can. Stop bothering me, or else- I will make pieces of your tongue. My dominance and anger-I don't know when I will sort out my serious anger issues.

Seems impossible for you major!! can you please shut up.....


I was cuddling in a blanket when my rough hands got contacted with muslin. Since when did my bed become so soft? I opened my eyes. I found myself lying on a girl. "What the fuck!!" I sighed in amazement and perplexity as well.

I'm the type of guy who had never glanced at any girl, no matter how beautiful she was, unless Kashish. She is different. Her eyes have a different allure. I'm fearless and I can win any battle without being frightened.

I'm scared of one thing-her eyes. I'm afraid of her eyes because they hold the powers that could made me lose the battle. Shame on you, Major Ranvijay!! My inner voice is more annoying than mine.

I was puzzled to see my arms wrapped around her waist-correction-her thin waist!. My heart came to my mouth because my face onto her breast and my puckering lips kept touching the gap between her...!! I can't even say that where the hell my rough lips got stuck.

Who dared to lie down on my bed? I paused my tongue when my eyes fell on her. Beast found beauty beside him. I can't believe my eyes. How can I hold myself? Someone, please suggest me. My heart was beating like thousands of bells echoed in my ears together. I could die of a mini-heart attack, for sure.

Her head was leaning down and about to fall, but I placed my palm to hold it while my eyes were pinned to her. She is in my embrace....!! No, no, I was in her embrace. I sighed for the 50th time in just 5 minutes.

Reminder hit - stay away from her!!

I tugged her head on the pillow and immediately sat on the bed. I started pressing my eyebrows. What the hell is she doing on my bed? I must say she is more courageous than others- I mean, no one has the courage to glance into my eyes directly but look at her. She is directly on my bed!! She is a natural disaster for me!! For sure!

Might be she was taking care of me. But did I ask her for help? I don't remember that. I bent my shoulder, and the movement make me sighed. "Fucking pain!!" I closed my eyes. I leaned to my left-side corner table to grab my phone.

𝑲𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒔𝒉: 𝑴𝒚 𝑫𝒆𝒆𝒑 𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒓𝒆Where stories live. Discover now