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"I have never seen such a beautiful place in my life", I looked outside the window. Manikaran's view and green valley scenery were something else. I took my head outside the window to feel the breeze. "Wow, I love this!",

My eyes were pinned to the white mountain passing by. "This is heaven", I said. "Could you please stop shouting?" the boy said from the next window. I looked at him with my sharp, annoying eyes. "Mind your own business", he dragged his neck back inside the window.

"You know what? I always wanted to talk with you", My smile instantly dropped after hearing this annoying voice. I went back inside the bus. "This is the 15th time dude, you are saying this to me", I paused my frustrated glares at him. I'm missing Riya. I don't know why that bitch got typhoid right before this trip.

"I like you",

"So," I chuckled.

"Listen you moron, I don't like you and I already have a boyfriend", I said in annoyance. "Stop bothering me- end of discussion", I said while my eyes were pinned to the trees and brushes passing by. "It feels amazing!" I giggled when suddenly the driver lost his grip on the steering wheel. "Boom"

My vision got blurred for a few minutes. For a few minutes, I didn't understand what happened to us. where am i ?


"Please, somebody help me-please!" I screamed. After an hour, I finally found myself hanging on a fucking twig in the gulf. god, why always me? I don't know why I always attract troubles. "Kashish, are you there?" The faded voice made me rolled up my eyes.

My phone was also hanging like his owner but my phone still enjoyed this adventure. My playlist was still played in a loop. "Please hang on, darling, I'll surely save you", I said while flickering my eyes. Bitch, save your ass first.

"Yes, I'm here. Can you please stop repeating my name and save me?" I cried. I closed my eyes, as I couldn't see myself in this horrible state. I was exhausted while hanging like a fruit. My hands started to hurt. It's been 2 hours of hanging like this. I felt like this is the end of my life.

"Save me, you assholes!" I shouted. I don't want to die. tears were rolling down my cheeks. I haven't completed my studies yet. I haven't had sex yet, and what about French kisses? "Don't look at the bottom, you bitch", I mistakenly dropped down my head. The depth of the gulf was quite scary.

"Acha chalta hoon, duaanon mein yaad rakhna", I rolled up my neck on my phone. Even the universe was saying goodbye to me. My grip on the twig was getting lost. "No, no, please don't", I gripped the twig tightly until my finger got knuckled. I can't be with you, sweetie.

I gripped on twigs and was about to loose. I gulped formed saliva in my throat. My heart came to my mouth. In the next few seconds, my body will become a dead body for sure. Oh god!

This might be the end of my fucking life.

This might be the end of my fucking life.

Tears were rolling down my cheeks. "I love you, baba", My hands slipped from twigs, and I was about to fall, but suddenly I felt arm wrapped around my waist. I closed my eyes for 5 minutes, thinking about the moment. I could feel the warm nostril air from behind on my shoulders. "Are you okay, Kashish?"

"male voice", I opened my eyes. My body was waving like a feather in the air. "w-who is this?" I could feel the strong arms around my waist. "Don't be scared, you are in my grip, and I wouldn't detach you", A male husky voice echoed in my ears. I turned my eyes to him.

𝑲𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒔𝒉: 𝑴𝒚 𝑫𝒆𝒆𝒑 𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒓𝒆Where stories live. Discover now