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The most hectic part of the study is exams. Whenever the clouds of exams come over me, tension starts raining on my fucking head. My exams are going to commence in the next 2 weeks and this is quite depressing for me.

Well, I'm good at studying, but I don't know why I get nervous during exam season. I'm absorbing the syllabus through three different books as I want to perform tremendously in my exams.

"Kashish, have you solved these questions? She asked, "My brain cells have been destroyed while solving this fucking exercise", frustration dripping from her words. Riya and medical physiology don't have a good bond. "Yeah, wait, I had solved it", I said while rolling my eyes over her.

"Where did I keep my register?" I murmured while searching for my register. I think I badly need to take four almonds every day to keep my memory sharp. "Wait, I think I placed it on my desk", She blinked her eyes, and I got down from my bed and started searching for it. I have some serious work in my hand and exam pressure in my mind and I don't know when my attention suddenly shifted to Vikrant.

"I never saw a flirty guy like him, seriously, how can he ask for the date so early?" I whispered while narrowing my eyes in annoyance. I cursed him for gathering all my attention but the worst part is that his manipulated words are becoming successful in distracting me. I'm getting annoyed while thinking about him. "Did you find it, Kashish?" Riya screamed from behind.

Her croaky voice suddenly broke my delusion. "Don't shout, I get it", I grunted while my back is still facing her face. "Here, take it", I chuckled and she glared at me. Why does she behave like only she has the pressure of exams? I still stand near the bed and continuously stare at her while bending my hands. "Riya, do you know about Vikrant"?

"Vikrant Karmarkar!!", she glared at me. "You're too patience", she giggled, making me sighed. "Yeah, I know him very well, he is the most fling guy I have ever seen in my entire life", she slammed at him. It seems like he doesn't have a good image among the girls. I sat beside her, "But he said", she cut me off, "Whatever he said, don't fall for his trap", she pinned her eyes to me. "Why do you ask about him?"

"I just want to know whether he's a nice guy or not", I started flickering my eyes. "He is a good-looking man, and aside from his flinging nature, he is a college topper", she explained while my glares paused at her. "And you know that most of his family members served in the Indian army", she chuckled.


"His father, Digvijay Karmarkar, who often attends events in our college, is a colonel in the Indian army", she said, and I sighed. So his family has hard-core soldiers-well, it is so obvious. I mean, this is an army medical college, and it is quite understandable that every student studying here are belongs to well-known army families.

"He has an elder brother who may be a major in the Indian army", she said with the brightest smile she could have. "What's wrong with you, bitch? Why are you smiling like an idiot?" I peered at her. "He visited our college six months ago, and I don't know why the hell I was absent that day", she suddenly wailed while leaning her head on my shoulder. She is so fucking dramatic.

"Could you please stop this nonsense?" I said it with disgust and she pinned her glares at me. "You're such a heartless friend, don't you feel pity for me?" she said while shedding fake tears. This girl will surely drive me crazy with her dramas. "But why do I feel pity for you?"

"I missed the chance to see his major brother", she cried. "What's the big deal if you missed the chance? I slammed at her. "You're behaving like as you missed the chance to meet your prince charming," I said while she paused her glares at me. "He is more than my prince charming, do you have any idea how handsome and dashing a soldier he is?" she revealed about him.

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