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"Your food will be over when your ready my love" The cashier woman spoke. Giving Blake a smile he returned one before heading over to his table. Blake loved rainy nights, especially ones where he could sit in his favourite cafe and watch out the window. Hot chocolate in hand, favourite slice of cheesecake. It was merely a dream for him. Except tonight was different. He had someone joining him. None other than Alec himself. You see Alec had sent Blake a message earlier in the day. Now here he was waiting for the jock to turn up.

Alec had asked what Blake's favourite thing to do was. The smaller boy had simply responded with going to his favourite cafe at night. Blake worried thinking the older boy would find him boring. Find Blake nothing but an outcast. Someone who finds fun in something adults, elders did on the daily. However growing up being treated like nothing but an outcast had its effects.

Little did Blake know Alec found this cute. He liked how innocent the boy was. He liked knowing that Alec would be his first for everything. Especially knowing he would be Blake's first n last made the older jock smile. Just the thought of Alec ruining the smaller boy, making him not so innocent sent the older jock into arousal whenever he thought about it. He knew he shouldn't be that happy. Let it bring a smile onto his face so much. However having a possessive side had its highs and lows. Especially the thought of Blake calling his name, their bodies mixed into one as Alec ravished his petite body.

Locking his car Alec placed his keys into his jacket pocket before heading into the cafe. His gaze meeting Blake's as a smile spread upon his face. Blake's lips merely returning a smile as took a sip of his hot chocolate. The smaller one's nerves rising a little as he watched the handsome boy wall towards his table. His heart beating fast, chest tinging. The two letting their eyes mingle upon each others for too long before looking away. Alec could feel his impulses build as he watched Blake's eyes. The way he hesitantly averted them from the jocks.

"Hey" Alec spoke as he sat before Blake. Blake's eyes meeting his own again as he returned the greeting. The smaller ones cheeks turning a slight red. This action being caught by the older one. His lips tugging into that same smirk he always did around Blake. Watching as a waitress walked over her eyes immediately met Alecs. A small smile visible on her cheeks as she eyed him up n down. Not taking her eyes off of the older one Blake was quick to see this. His cheeks turning more red as a feeling rushed throughout his body. Jealousy But why was he jealous. Alec wasn't his, they weren't together. Why was his body reacting this way, there no way he was in Alec's league. Right?

"Lemon n lime cheesecake" she coldly asked not taking her eyes off of Alec. Blake couldn't help but feel anger rush through his body as he watched her. Biting his bottom lip he merely looked away before talking. "Yeah that's mine" Meeting her eyes for the first time she gave him a cold look before placing the plate down. Giving her a small smile he was ignored as he turned her head back to Alec. The twos gaze meeting Alec gave him a reassuring smile. His hand gently caressing the younger one's knee. Blake's eyes widening a little before his body seemed to calm.

Pulling his cheesecake closer to him he grabbed his fork. Not listening to the conversation that had started between Alec and the waitress Blake took a bite. Favour filling his senses. A small smile hitting his lips as he ate. Looking up to meet the older jocks gaze he couldn't help but notice the cold glare the waitress was giving his way. Her lips tugging up into disgust before storming off into the back of the cafe. Thinking nothing of it he gave Alec a small smile.

"Is that what you always order" The older one asked with a small smile. Nodding his head Blake took another slice into his mouth. Watching as Alec smiled back Blake could feel his chest turn. Feeling Alec's hand slip away from his knee Blake couldn't help but let a frown cover his lips. This action quick to be seen by Alec. Wanting to place his hand back Alec stopped himself. He liked seeing the younger one frown when he broke their contact. It made his stomach bubble knowing how he affects the boy.

"Are you not getting anything" Blake asked as he met Alec's gaze. The smile sitting upon the older ones lips becoming bigger. Alec didn't want to get anything. He liked watching Blake. The way he smiled, the dips in his cheeks. He couldn't help but admire the smaller boy. Thoughts running through his head as he imagined all the things he wanted to do with Blake. Especially when he was his, finally able to claim him.

Biting his tongue Alec sneakily grabbed Blake's hot chocolate. Taking a sip he only watched in content as the smaller boy pouted. His eyes on Blake's as he held the cup in his grasp. "Give that back" Blake said as a small smile tugged on his lips. Chuckling Alec only smiled as he watched the younger one attempt to grab it. Raising it higher he only felt his chest burn as a soft groan escaped Blake's tongue. Slipping out of his seat Alec only gave Blake a smirk as he began to walk to the exit. Watching as the smaller boy followed hot in his trails. Leaving the cafe the older jock turned himself around. Walking backwards he only chuckled more as Blake lunged for his hit chocolate. Merely missing by centimetres.

"Now you can do harder than that" The older one cheekily said. Another groan escaping Blake's lips as he lunged once more. Alec's arm wrapping around his waist, bodies clasping together. Placing his right hand on Alec's shoulder Blake only huffed. His gaze meeting Alec's as the older boy looked down in content. Their faces inches apart. Alec couldn't help but smile inside at the position he had got the two in. Blake's eyes ogling into his own. The urge to claim the younger one's lips with his own filling his skin. Their faces inching closer, Blake's eyes never leaving his own.

Blake's heart simply beating fast pace. The younger one could only feel his cheeks burn, body shake. This feeling inside of his growing as felt Alec's breath mix with his own. Letting the older one lean closer their lips lightly grazed. This slight touch sending Blake's body into panic mode. Alec's heart pulsating as he urged to close the gap. Biting his bottom lip he couldn't help but smirk as these next few words left his tongue.

"You missed" Watching as Blake pushed their bodies apart the older jock couldn't help but chuckle. Letting the smaller one take his hot chocolate back Alec ruffled the younger boys hair. A huff leaving Blake's tongue. His cheeks turning bright red. Annoyance lingering upon Blake's body. Turning to meet Alec's gaze he couldn't help but glare. This look only making him ten times cuter in the jocks eyes.

"So annoying" Blake mutters under his breath. Letting the smile on his face grow bigger Alec only watched as the younger one took a sip of his hot chocolate. "You don't mean that" Meeting Blake's gaze he only watched in content. "I do" Crossing is arms Alec couldn't help but chuckle. His insides happy as he watched Blake become more comfortable in his company. Alec knew when he first set eyes on the boy that he wasn't bold. His shyness merely coming off of Blake's body as he watched him. The two were completely different. Alec being more athletic, out going. Blake more quiet, introverted.

"Alec" hearing the smaller boy hum Alec looked down as Blake looked up. Their gaze meeting. Taking one last sip of his hot chocolate Blake quickly placed the empty cup into the bin beside them. His eyes looking back into the jock as he stood before him. Curiosity filling the smaller one's senses. Blake wanted to know what Alec had spoken to the waitress about earlier. Jealousy filling his skin once more as he thought about what had occurred earlier on. The way she glared at him, gave him a disgusted look before walking off.

Alec could see the uncomfortable look fill Blake's face. He knew something was off, but what? What had made Blake's mood change so quick? Why was the smaller one acting this way. Had he done something? Had he said something?

"What did you say to that waitress" The younger one asked. Alec's eyes widening. Immediately recognising the way Blake was feeling. He was jealous, the look in his eyes. The way they watched the older one stand. His hands fiddling with one n other. This only made Alec smile. The knot in his chest becoming tighter as arousal pushed through his skin. Knowing Blake was jealous only made him want to claim him more. Show him he had nothing to worry about. Tell him that he belong to him and him only.

"Do you really wanna know" asking this question Blake stood closer. His face looking up at Alec's as a small nod erupted over his face. Running his fingers through Blake's hair Alec only smiled. Watching the younger one Alec let a sigh escape his lips.

"That you were my boyfriend"

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