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Blake didn't know how Alec had gotten into that situation. He wasn't going to know, not yet, not now. Blake couldn't know Alec's problems, his alcohol addiction, drug addiction. He needed to stop, he wants to stop. However having a father who only thinks discipline is the way to go makes it hard. Him and his father have never gotten along. Never will. You see when your family's been involved with the mafia for your whole life it's hard to change. His cold demeanour, black heart. Blake's never been this soft before, not to his family not to anyone. But Blake, that's all he could be around the boy.

He hated it, hated how soft Blake made the older boy feel around him. How his voice made his skin turn. Blake was addictive. He was an addiction Alec never wanted to lose.

Throwing the basketball into the hoop Alec couldn't help but groan. The scar shooting pain up his body. You see he was supposed to rest, take it easy. Could Alec do that? No. A knife wound was nothing to him, yet to Blake it didn't seem like it. He's never broken down in front of anyone before. That was the first time someone had come to his aid in a situation like that. He merely didn't know how to react, couldn't keep his emotions down with that boy touching his body.

Jogging to shoot another shot a familiar voice hit his ears. Adrian's. Dropping the basketball ball Alec pushed his anger down. The urge to still rush over and beat the jock to a pulp for putting his hands on what belongs to him.

"Look who it is" The boy spoke, a smirk plastered upon his sly little face. Biting down on his tongue Alec kept his ground. "What do you want Adrian" Alec asked. This only earned Adrian to chuckle as he walked closer.  Clicking his knuckles Alec only prepared himself. Adrian was smaller and less built than him but Alec knows his past. Adrian's gotten up to some dirty behaviours throughout his childhood.

"I see you got a new toy" Adrian spoke the smirk on his lips tugging bigger as he digged at Alec aiming at Blake. Alec's lips tugging into a scowl as he took a step closer. Their gazes meeting half way. Basketball still in hand. Alec's anger burning his skin more and more.

"You better shut your mouth Privileged boy" Alec spoke, a scoff leaving his lips. Adrian's face turning cold as he watched the older jock. Watching as Adrian stepped closer Alec felt his blood turn cold.

"I don't think you get it Alec, all I have to do is make a few orders and your sweet little Blake is dead" Before Alec could think he had lunged at the boy. His hands clenching around Adrian's neck. Their bodies colliding with the floor. Lifting his fist up to punch Adrian Alec felt like this was wrong. What would Blake think. Before he could regain himself he had swung. His fist slamming into Adrian's jaw.

Anger coursing through Alec's blood. No own touched Blake except him, he's his and his only, Alec doesn't share.

"Let it out Alec, show Blake the real you" Anger only hit his skin more as these words escaped Adrian's tongue. Glaring at the boy beneath him Alec only smiled, fire ripping through his blood. How dare he talk about Blake like that, no one's killing him. If anyone it's Alec. Not that Alec would actually kill the younger boy, he could never. He'd never wanna hurt a single tear on that boys body. Well other than pleasure of course.

"Don't tell him anything, you hear me" Alec shouted, blood running off of his knuckles. Adrian's blood. Landing one last punch the sound of the gym doors closing hit Alec's ears. Lifting his head he quickly stood up. Worry hitting his system as he hoped it wasn't Blake. Blake's got it all wrong. Fuck. He's fucked up. Rushing over to the gym doors he didn't slow down as he pushed them open. The view of Blake's back as he rushed off.

"Blake" The older boy shouted as the smaller one heard his voice. Blake only felt tears threaten to leave his eyes. His breathing becoming heavy. What did Adrian mean. What can't Alec tell Blake. The thoughts ran through Blakes head as he turned to meet the older ones gaze. Alec rushing over, blood visible upon his right knuckles. Turning a corner Blake walked out of school. Kids watching as he rushed past. Whispers hitting his ears. Alec's voice hearable as he shouted his name.

Reaching the road Blake stopped. Tears forming as he covered his face with his hands. Why is he crying, he doesn't even know what it's about yet here he is, his anxiety hitting the roof. Nerves pulsating as he thought of all the meanings behind what Adrian had said to Alec. Feeling his body break more as he heard the older jocks voice. Turning to face Alec he was engulfed into the older boys grasp.

"Blake it's not what you think, I promise" Looking up to meet Alec's gaze Blake felt his heart beat more. The look of worry, fear on Alec's face. Blake was more hurt by the fact he saw Alec beating Adrian up. Why? Why was he doing that, what had occurred for that to happen. Now he's in more danger of Adrian's antics.

"What can't you tell me Alec" Blake asked, tears threatening to fall. Cupping the younger boys cheeks Alec felt his heart shatter. He'd done the one thing he promised himself to never do. Make Blake cry.

"I can't tell you" Pushing the older boy away Blake's eyes swelled up. Tears escaping as he felt his skin turn cold.

"Why can't you, what are you hiding from me" These words only made Alec break more. He was losing him, losing the one boy he was coming to cherish. He can't lose Blake, he's done the one thing no one had ever made him genuinely do. Smile.

"Blake, you don't understand"

"Then let me understand Alec" Blake only gripped onto the older boys tank top. Looking up at the older boy Blake couldn't breathe.

Opening his mouth to talk nothing came out. Alec's throat turning dry. Blood becoming cold. He couldn't handle the pain he had inflicted upon his boy. He hated himself for it. If only he had walked away from Adrian. Not let his anger get the best of him. Why did he have to collided with Blake. Why did the boy have to make his body react these ways. Why did his heart ache for his touch. Why did his heart begin to feel attached to what he didn't deserve.

"Blake you don't understand, if I tell you, you'll wanna leave, have nothing to do with me" Biting his tongue to these words Blake only worried more. What was so bad Alec had to hide it from him?

"Don't you trust me" Blake asked pulling his hands away from the older boys touch. Taking a step back the younger one only sniffed.

"I can't lose you, believe me I really can't Blake" Softly smiling to Alec's words Blake was quick to avert his gaze.

"Why" This question only made the older boy smile. Over the past three weeks he has grown to like the younger one. He wanted him to be his, only his. He's never felt this way before towards someone. Watching them leave his life within an instant would only break the older jock. He needed Blake in his life, he knew he didn't deserve him. He wasn't right for him, never will be. But he wanted to change, needed to change. He can't be like this forever. Hidden away, walls up, bitter to everyone.

"What's so special about me" Blake asked. This only made the older one break more. Hesitantly taking the younger one's hand in his own.

"A lot of things Blake" Interlocking their fingers Alec pulled Blake closer. His free hand pulling Blake's head closer. Placing a chast kiss upon the younger one's skin. "Fuck there's so much Blake" Alec let out, his voice raspy. Feeling his tears fall more Blake leaned into the older ones touch. His arms slowly wrapping around Alec's neck. The older one nuzzling his face into the crook of Blake's neck.

"If I tell you will your promise to stay" Pulling away to meet Alec's gaze Blake slowly nodded. Alec's thumbs rubbing away tears that had stained his cheeks. Watching as the older boy smiled Blake couldn't help but retune the gesture.

"I promise Alec"

And that was the only promise Alec needed to hear. Cupping Blake's cheek Alec leaned down hesitantly. Looking into the smaller ones eyes the older jock contemplated. Before he could Blake had closed the gap. Their lips becoming one. Syncing slowly Alec couldn't help but smile. Maybe just maybe hope was still in his fate.

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