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Stressed, that's how Alec felt. Throwing the basketball from his hands into the hoop the older jock couldn't help but grunt. He hadn't seen Blake in a week. He couldn't, he can't. He doesn't wanna get the boy hurt. God he wanted to see him, that's all he wanted to do. He knew ignoring the smaller boy was harsh but in reality Alec was a coward. He didn't know what to do, how to stop his dad from planning what he was. All he wanted to do was grab Blake and run away. But he knew they couldn't do that. They'd be leaving everything behind.

Wiping the sweat off of his head the older jock took a sip of his water. Thoughts of Blake being alone hitting his head. He couldn't stop thinking about the boy. It was like he had infected himself into Alec's body. He hadn't been to school, he can't. He can't face the smaller boy, he didn't wanna hurt the boy more than he already has. Being with him will only hurt him more. Alec knew he was a coward, a little kid inside wanting to be protected. Except when it came to protecting what was his he couldn't do it.

No one understands how bad Alec wants to find the boy and smash their lips together. Tell him he'll be with him every step of the way. The way to freedom, way to happiness. Alec knew bringing this sweet innocent boy into his life would ruin him. He has, Blake just doesn't know it yet. They aren't supposed to mix, Alec ignored that rule. Now these were the consequences he had to face. He never wanted to make the smaller boy feel like shit, god he never wanted to hurt him in the first place.

Throwing the basketball into the hoop once more Alec felt his body freeze. A familiar voice hitting his system, blood running cold.

"What a coincidence" Jessica spoke. A smirk hitting her lips, arms crossed as she stood at the end of the court. The same one where Alec had met Blake for the first time. Watching as she slowly walked forwards Alec grabbed the basketball from the concrete floor.

"What are you doing here Jessica" His voice was deep n annoyed. He couldn't stand the girl anymore than he already had. He knew hooking up with her was a mistake in the first place. Biting her bottom lip her smirk grew much bigger.

"A little boy told me, but don't worry he's okay, Adrian's looking after him" Dropping the ball from his hands Alec felt his heart drop. What had they done to Blake? What are they going to do to him? Laughing at this reaction Jessica only Smirked more. Alec only felt his body begin to burn. This was all his fault, if only because had been there. Fuck. Was all the older jock could say in his head. He had fucked up. Big time, there's no way Blake would forgive him now.

"Oh Alec, I warned him, he didn't listen, your mine, you knew that, he knew that, but neither of you listened"

Raising his fist Alec quickly stopped himself from attacking the girl. Jessica only flinched to this action before taking a step back, she was scared. Alec could tell by the look in her eyes. She knew not to mes with him. She didn't listen. His possessive side taking over as he stood there. His pupils dilating. Skin burning with anger. Just the thought of Adrian laying a single hand on Blake making his mind spin.

"What have you done to him" The older boy asked. His voice dominant, deep and low. This only sent a shiver up the girls spoke as she took another step back. Shrugging her shoulders she knew she was pushing his limits. Watching as his lips twitched into a scowl Jesica only smirked.

"Oh I've done nothing" Watching as his right eye twitched Jessica stood in her place. These words only made Alec growl. An alienated noise escaping his tongue. Visions of what they could have done hitting his head. He had fucked up yet here he was wishing he hadn't been such a coward.

"If I find out Adrian's laid a hand on him I suggest you watch your back" Jessica only scoffed at the older boy. Biting hit tongue Alec did the only thing he's good at, run away from his problems. Walking past the girl their shoulders collided. This only making the smaller girl stumble backwards, a scowl hitting her face.

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