Twenty Five

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Blake found himself in his favourite cafe early this morning. The sun shining, hot chocolate in hands. Life had seemed merely surreal to him. It was like a fever dream. One he wished to escape but wanted to stay plugged into. Tough to say these past few months had been a roller coaster. Falling in love, battling the ones that despised him, trying to live a normal life. Except he hated to admit it, it all went up before slamming down when he met Alec.

Taking a sip of his drink Blake sent Jason a small smile as the cafe owner sat upon the seat before him.

"Oh Blake"

"Hi Jason" Taking a look out the window Blake had only wished life would go back to normal. When he was alone, life was simple. But he knew he didn't want that, he wanted it like this. He wanted the one not the world had simply told him he couldn't have. That boy had flipped his world upside down. All because of a collision. One that had changed the course of their life's into the unknown.

"How are you holding up" Jason asked giving the boy a small smile. Taking a deep breath Blake held onto his hot chocolate tightly. The warm sensation sending a shiver up his spine.

"I'm doing okay, could be better, life just feels surreal at the moment" Watching as Jason softly frowned Blake couldn't help but smile. At least he had Jason to look out for him. He cared, that's all he's done for Blake, care for him. When he had heard the smaller boy had been rushed into hospital he made sure to send the boy a call. He had to make sure his favourite kid was okay, living, healthy.

"You spoken to Alec recently" Frowning to that name Blake shook his head.

"He's stopped coming to school, no one's heard or seen him since he visited me at the hospital, it's like he's vanished, gone for good"

Letting a sigh out he didn't know he was holding Blake took another sip of his hot chocolate. The taste filling his senses. It was moments like this, ones he wished could last forever. Except they all came to an end, one ending before a new one begins.

"Maybe that's for the best, he had alot going on with his home life, I know you wanted to help him, be there for him but it's harsh, kids like him don't belong with kids like you, they just don't mix, maybe in another universe it would have worked out for the better"

Hearing these words Blake could feel his emotions tremble. Tears threatening to fall, it was hard, Blake hated it. Hated that the words Jason had spoke were true.

"I love him Jason and that's what hurts the most, I love the boy so much and I can't even speak to him, see him, just knowing he feels the same way pushed me over, healed me but ruined me too, he admitted he loved me, and yet here we are, like strangers again"

Biting his bottom lip Blake looked at his shoes. The urge to break down filling his system. He wanted to let it out, he needed to. He just couldn't, not without Alec. It sounded obsessive but he was the only one who could break down his walls. That boy had caused so much to his heart he depended on him.

"It hurts so much Jason, I can't even go a day without thinking about him, where he is, how's he's doing, if he's okay, but there's nothing, it's just a lose string waiting to be cut forever"

Ruffling the smaller boys hair Jason let a sigh escape his lips. He hated watching Blake like this. This had taken a massive toll on the boy. He didn't deserve this, yet there was nothing he could do about it.

"Moving on takes time, you just have to wait it out until you feel no more" Taking another sip Blake couldn't help but laugh at that comment. He never wanted to move on. He wanted to be with the boy he loved. He wanted to be able to kiss Alec, leaning in his arms keeping him safe from the outside world.

"What if I don't want to move on Jason, then what do I do, what happens, I just live a miserable life without him, I can't do that, I really can't" Wiping the tears that struck his eyes Blake looked out the window. Couples walking past, friends gossiping as they clung onto one n other. Blake was jealous, he never had those relationships, those friendships. Clinging onto one n other as they laughed. Blake hated that part of his life. The one where he had absolutely no one.

Then Alec came in, filling those spots the older boy made Blake feel seen. Like he hadn't been invisible his whole life. Alec showed him a friendship, showed him love. Like no one has ever before. Yet here he is alone, Alec not to be seen. They had merely become strangers that loved each other. However couldn't show that affection. A wall had been built, a high one too.

"Sometimes you have to do what hurts, move on, I know you love him but maybe it's time to look for others out there, maybe you'll find someone better"

Rolling his eyes Blake couldn't help but become annoyed. He didn't wanna find anyone better, there was no better. He wanted Alec and only him. He isn't just going to move on, push what they had out the way into the past. Blake couldn't do that, he never will.

"I don't want anyone else, I want him, he's the one I want, if I have to fight my way to him I will"

With that Blake left the cafe. Waving Jason goodbye he couldn't help but shake to the annoyance in his blood. He didn't know why it had annoyed him but it did. He didn't want anyone else he wanted one boy and that was Alec. If he had to fight he will.

Walking down the street Blake soon made it back home. However both his parents were in, which was odd. Opening the front door he was met with the police. His mum had no expression as she watched her son. His dad glaring, anger clearly vision in his eyes.

"Uh what's going on here" The smaller boy asked as he softly shut the front door. The two police officers watching him closely. Taking a look at one n other the female officer stood up.

"We're here because it seems you've been taking explicit photos of yourself and posting them online"

Blake chocked. He had done what now? He's never taken a nude in his life and now he's being accused of it?! What the hell is going on.

"Excuse me" Was all the boy could get out earning a weird look to erupt over all of their faces. The small boy was in disbelief.

"I've never taken an nude of myself or any at all in my life, do you really think I would do that, mum, dad" He looked at his parents only for them to look away. Scoffing to this action Blake took a step back. Unbelievable, his own parents really believe that he would do such a thing.

"Show me" Blake spoke interrupting the police officer as she was about to talk.

"Afraid we can't do that" Blake only laughed more as he crossed his arms.

"You come into my home tell my parents I've apparently been taking explicit photos of myself and putting them online but can't even show them to me"

The room became silent. The police officers looking at Blake's parents before back at Blake.

"Actually honey, we got sent them" His mum spoke up, holding her phone up shaking it lightly. Blake only raised an eyebrow to this. He couldn't believe his own parents believed some random person who had sent it to them over their own child.

"Who, by who" Blake demanded to know. The female police officer looked at his parents. Slightly nodding her head his mum gave him a small smile. But not of happiness of sadness. She clearly didn't believe her son. That hurt Blake, hurt him a lot. Did she really think he would do that.

"Some girl named Jessica"

Hearing that name only made Blake freeze. His world really had tipped upside down.

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