Twenty Two

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"Blake" A deep voice echoed throughout the air. Cars coming to a halt. Blake's small frame colliding with the concrete below. Vision deteriorating, pain erupting throughout his body. He couldn't move. His skin burning, blood escaping the cuts along his body. A soft grunt hitting his lips.

A familiar face he had spoken to not so many hours ago. The look of worry taking over as he dialled emergency services. Blake was fucked up. Left leg definitely broken as the boy watched the smaller one. Drivers getting out as they rushed over in a hurry.

This moment in time Blake's head was spinning. His hand clasping onto the familiar boys one as pain rocketed through his back. His left thigh throbbing as he felt his insides move with every breath. Tears escaping the younger boys eyes as his voice became hoarse. Visions fully blurry as the world around him became nothing but a blur. The voices he heard around him soon becoming distant. His eye becoming droopy, heavy.

"Stay with me Blake" He heard that same voice again. The one he could vaguely remember From today. He could feel his chest burn. Tears brimming his eyes threatening to let tears escape. Yet he couldn't cry. Not anymore. He had fully drained himself. He felt numb, exhausted. Feeling his body give up on him he opened his mouth to talk letting out the only name he could think of.

"Alec" His voice was deep n raspy. His eyes flickering one last time before rolling back. His body becoming limp. Lifeless as the boy holding his hand noticed.

"Blake" He felt his nerves rise. Biting his bottom lip he only waited for the ambulance to arrive. Blake had just fell unconscious. His body loosing blood with every second that passed. Placing two fingers along the beaten boys neck he felt a light pulse. A sigh of relief escaping his lungs he didn't know he was holding.

Before he knew it the ambulance had arrived. Paramedics rushing out of the vehicle. Pushing everyone out of the way the older boy stood up. His legs feeling weak, numb even as he held himself. His eyes stained on Blake's body. Thoughts running through the boys head as he recalled what had happened. What if he didn't followed Blake? What if he hadn't come to talk to Blake? To see if he was okay? Would the driver have driven off?

Dialling a number on his phone he anxiously waited for the person to pick up. His breath holding, lips quivering. Looking around him he couldn't help but run a hand through his hair. Sweat beginning to drip off of his skin. The phone line connecting as a sigh he didn't know he was holding released.

"Tyler" The deep voice questioned. Tyler couldn't help but smile as he heard Alec on the other side of the phone. 

"Alec, it's Blake" These words only caused a loud bang to erupt from his phone. Alec's deep voice hitting his ears.

"What's about him, what's happened" Tyler couldn't talk. His voice breaking as he went to respond.

"Tyler, I know you wouldn't call me about him for no reason what the fuck had happened" Swallowing the saliva that had formed upon his mouth Tyler merely responded.

"He's been hit by a car Alec, he's not okay, he's fucked, he wont wake up, his skins turning pale, i didn't know who else to call, he's in the ambulance now"

Taking a deep breath the sound of a door slamming hit his ears. The phone line cutting off. Tyler's worries only growing at how Alec was feeling. How he's going to react. What he's going to do. Watching as the ambulance drove off Tyler started walking back to school. His emotions all over the place as worry hit his system. He didn't know Blake at all, they weren't even friends. But since talking to him for one second earlier in the day he knew he was a sweet boy.

He's heard all the rumours. What people have said about him. How certain people treat him. Ever since he saw Alec and the boy forming an abnormal relationship for Alec he knew. Alec wouldn't be like that with anyone if the boy didn't mean anything to Alec. He was different. Tyler could see how different Blake made the boy feel. How much happier Alec had become.

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