Twenty One

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It was torture. Having to walk around school catching glimpses of the one boy he had come to love. Love. Ha Blake couldn't help but laugh at that thought. Life seemed perfect. Like it was finally taking a turn for the best. Until it all came crumbling down. It had been two weeks. They were simply strangers again. Simply catching of each others gaze. That small smile that would hit Alec's lips as they looked at one another before covering it up. It hurt. Hurt too much for Blake to handle. Alec had become his whole life within a space of two months. Now he's nothing. Nothing but a curse on Blake's body.

All he wanted to do was run up and tell Alec they could push through it. They could stand his dad and get past. But he knew he shouldn't. He knew Alec wouldn't let him go through that. As much as it would be his idea to, the older boy wouldn't let him. Blake knew that. That's what he loved about the older boy. His possessiveness, cold demeanour. If he told anyone why they had become strangers again people would laugh. Tell them that was a ridiculous reason as to why. By in reality it wasn't. They both knew what Alec's father was like. What he could do if he wanted to.

Hearing an unfamiliar voice hit his ears Blake turned around in front of his locker. A tall boy around the same height as Alec. Brown hair, emerald orbs. He had seen him around but not much. Well not taken any notice as he had always kept his eyes out on a certain boy.

"Blake, do you know why Alecs been acting off" The boy asked. Slowly shaking his head no Blake couldn't help but frown. He knew exactly why the older boy was acting off. Why he had changed so drastically without no reason.

"Oh just wanted to ask as he's been hanging around with you, plus you two are kind of a thing I guess" With that the boy left. Leaving those words to repeat upon his head.

You two are kind of a thing

Except they weren't. They never could be. How much they tried. How much they pushed past all the upcoming torment. Pushed past Alec's dad's business. He knew there was no way that they would be able to defeat the obstacles forbidding their relationship. It hurt. An unexplainable pain that struck his body every day. He was heartbroken.

"Apologise" A familiar voice shouted. People beginning to gathered around the pair. Catching a glimpse of a certain boy Blake found himself pushing to the front of the crowd. Watching as Adrian and Alec thought it out. Alec's hands wrapped around the other boys throat. The look of anger filling Alec's face. Blake only felt his breath hitch as he watched the pair.

"Why the fuck should I do that" Adrian spat. These words only made the older boy fill with anger. His blood boiling. Goosebumps covering his skin as he recognised a familiar face in the crowd. Their eyes meeting as his face softened. He was doing this for Blake. That's it. If it was anyone else he wouldn't even be in this position right now.

"What did I say last time, I will kill you in front of all these people" The older boy spat. Hearing these words Adrian merely scoffed as a smile tugged at his lips. Watching this face Alec had snapped. The grip on Adrian's throat becoming tighter. The boys lips gaping as nothing but muffled gags escaped. Adrian's face becoming a pale colour. Purple soon spreading across his skin.

Blake felt his nerves drop. He knew they shouldn't interact. But watching as the boy brought death closer to Adrian's life Blake couldn't watch anymore. Rushing over he grabbed Alec's left arm only to be shoved away. The older boy was in a trance. The outside world merely becoming a blur. Biting his bottom lip Blake shouted the jocks name only to have no reply. Watching as Adrian's eyes began to roll back Blake did the only thing he knew would Break Alec's trance. Balling his fist up Blake mentally apologised.

His fist colliding with the older boys jaw. This immediately made Alec snap out. His hands releasing Adrians neck only to push Blake against the lockers behind him. Soon realising those familiar eyes. That sweet scent that had changed his life the older boy let Blake go. His face immediately softening. Mind breaking as he watched how he had just attacked the smaller boy. Taking a step back Alec felt his heart drop. Before he could finish Blake shook his head. Mouthing the words I'm okay, go.

Feeling a sigh of relief hit his body Alec gave his boy one last smile before heading off. All he wanted to do was talk to him. Comfort him. Hold him in his grasp again. God claim those lips with his own. But he couldn't. Despite the fact his father wasn't going to do anything. He knew someone else was planning on it. But what? When?

Heading out of school Alec got into his car. His breathing heavy. Skin cold. Slamming his fist onto the steering wheel the older jock couldn't breath. He hated it. Blake was so close in his grasp. He hasn't touched, spoke to the boy in two weeks. Yet here he is after slamming the smaller boy into the lockers behind him. All because he was in a daze. Making sure Adrian got what he deserved. Got a taste of his own medicine. Shaking his head he drove off to the one place he could feel at peace in, the cabin.

Back at school Blake looked at himself in the bathroom mirror. His hand grazing the nape of his neck. The place where Alec had slammed his hand. The area of skin tender n red. Slowly frowning Blake felt tears swell up. Goosebumps hitting his skin. The emotions bottled inside threatening to spill out. Break his walls even more. Taking a deep breath Blake wiped his cheeks. All he had to do was keep it in until he was home. Then he could let it all out. Cry into his pillows.

Leaving the bathroom he headed to leave school. He couldn't be there anymore. Not today, not in this state. He'd only worry where Alec had gotten off to. He knows he shouldn't but that's all he can do. Worry about the boy he's come to love. Worry about the boy that broke him. The boy that stole his heart.

Exiting school he began his walk home. Only to hear a certain voice. Blake's face dropping as disgust filled his bones.

"Blake sweetie" Turning to meet her face Blake felt his throat convulse. The amount of make up covering he skin. Over powering perfume lingering. It made Blake feel nauseous. Who even found that attractive? Oh wait, Alec.

"I told you didn't I" Jessica spoke with a snarky smile upon her lips. Watching as she stood there the smaller boy couldn't help but feel anger fill his blood. He hated her, she was a complete cunt.

"Told me what" He merely asked only earning Jessica to scoff. A grin tugging at her lips, eyes glaring into Blake's watery ones. Batting her eyelids Jessica only smiled. Her hands clasping together.

"Me and Alec are together, he asked me out yesterday"

Hearing those words Blake felt his whole world drop. He wouldn't, Alec wouldn't do that Right? Was it all a lie? Was he really just a game to him. Was he just like all of his other toys? Did he just want to experiment with Blake? Figure out his sexuality?

"No" Blake found himself whispering. His voice cracking. Tears brimming his eyes. He couldn't believe it. She was lying surely! She must be.

"I've got proof" She immediately pulled out her phone. A photo of them two together kissing. Blake couldn't breathe. His body merely becoming numb. His emotions mixing completely. Taking a step back he felt anger hit his blood. Goosebumps writing through out his skin.

"Told you he'd always be mine, your nothing but a desperate little slut" Before Blake could think he had slapped the girl. Watching as she stumbled back, her hand across her face. His mouth agape as his actions hit his body. Realisation hitting his head. Biting his bottom lip he quickly rushed off. Tears falling. He couldn't breathe. This was all too much for him. Too much to handle at this moment of time.

Walking as the world around him became a blur Blake held his throat. The feeling to be sick high. His breathing becoming tighter. Chest starting to burn. He was hyperventilating. His lungs beginning to fail. His legs beneath him beginning to give in. Taking one last breath those simple words filling his body. Pain erupting as he thought about the past. Him and Alec together.

Was it all really just a lie? Was he only a toy to be used? He didn't want to believe it but that was all he could do. She had proof. They're  together now, maybe he did ask her out yesterday. But why? Why her? It hurt. He felt betrayed, played. Biting down on his tongue Blake felt his legs complete give up on him. His body stumbling before collapsing into the road.

Eyes meeting a pair of headlights, sound of tires screeching hitting his system. Shit

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