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Broken. That's how Alec felt. Watching as Blake's house became nothing but a memory. The sound of silence in his car, tears brimming his eyes once more. It hurt, hurt a lot. He had caused all of this yet he'd never felt nothing more painful. He'd lost him, the one he vowed to never lose. The one boy he'd come to care about was gone. Had left his life sooner than he'd imagined. All because he had fucked up. He knew they could have worked around it but he just couldn't out the smaller boy through all the pain. Especially when his dad was the man he is.

Turning a corner Alec knew what he had to do. To make it right. To make sure Blake's life becomes better. So he never has to face danger or the ones who hurt him. That means himself too. Biting his tongue Alec Parked his car. Standing outside the pub Adrian worked at he opened the door. His eyes immediately catching the man who had hurt what was his, what used to be his. Deep down Alec will always see Blake as his. But he deserved so much better, if that meant leaving his life so that can happen so be it.

Walking up to Adrian Alec gave the other boy no chance. His fist immediately colliding with the boys jaw. Sadness yet anger filling his senses. He knew this wasn't the way. But he couldn't help it. Not after seeing the condition Adrian had left Blake in. Watching as the boy stumbled back, the plate he held smashing onto the floor. Gasps from around the room as customers watched.

"What the fuck Alec" Shutting the boy up Alec had wrapped his hands around Adrian's neck. A raspy grunt escaping the boys tongue. Adrian's back slamming into the counter behind him. Their eyes one on one. Tears leaving Alec's as the older boy watched him in shock. His breathing becoming heavy. Chest tightening. Face turning a dark red as his lungs gave up. The look on Alec's face making his mouth agape. He'd never seen the boy this distraught before.

"Have you seen what you've done to him" Alec shouted. Tears escaping his eyes at a faster pace. Painfully shaking his head Adrian only whinced more as Alec kicked his shin.

"Why, just why" Was all Alec could ask as tears filled his pupils. He's never hated someone so much like this before. Especially since they had done something to someone. Usually he wouldn't care. Except this time it hurt seeing Blake in the state he was in. Adrian had hurt what was his, he had to pay. However Alec accepted that half of it was his fault. Blake was in this condition because of him. If it wasn't for him this would never have happened. Blake would be living a normal life.

"I don't know" Laughing at these words Alec couldn't believe Adrian. Blake had done nothing to him in his life. Yet here he was making the smaller boys life a misery. All because of what? He was weak? Fragile? He had no right to inflict the pain he had done on Blake.

"You don't know, you don't know, tell me why I shouldn't kill you right here right now" Alec shouted. Anger burning his blood, skin raising goosebumps. He felt his limit hitting. He couldn't handle the claustrophobia anymore.

"What would you get out of that, huh, life become better, back to normal, believe me that won't help anything Alec" Slamming his fist into Adrian's face the older jock felt his teeth grind. The simple noise of the boys nose breaking hitting his ears. Blood dribbling from as the boy screamed in pain. This sight only made Alec smile at his demise. He wasn't always one to like violence but for Blake it was worth it.

"I suggest you keep your hands off what's not yours, leave Blake alone, apologise to him, I'll make sure you do that, you understand"

Hearing those words all Adrian could do was nod. Letting his grip go of the boy Alec left. Slamming the door shut behind him. All he could do was break down much more. Getting into his car Alec broke. His head hitting the steering wheel. Hands gripping the handle. Letting the sobs take over he started up the car. Images of Blake flashing upon his mind. Teeth clattering, lips shivering. This boy had broken him and it was all Alec's fault.

Heading home Alec felt numb. His body feeling nothing but pain. This surreal feeling hitting his skin. His blood has turned cold. His emotions slipping away. That same mindset his father had gotten him into coming back. He can't go back into it, not now, not ever. He promised himself he get better for Blake wether that's with the boy in his life or no longer. He was finally able to rely on someone to comfort him. Bring out the best in him. Yet it's all come crumbling down. Those walls the two had built deteriorating completely. He was sacred, sacred what'll happen next. Was this the right decision? Had he made the wrong turn into their life's?

Coming into his driveway Alec took a deep breath. He knew what he had to do with his dad. To make sure he didn't touch Blake. Send anyone to harm the smaller boy. Heading into the house the smell of alcohol immediately hit his system. His relationship with his father had gotten worse. Ever since he had attacked his dad the two had barely spoken. Yet to Alec silence speaks so many words. He hated it, as much as he hates his dad he hated the silence. The way they would walk past each other in the house. Now rods exchanged. Glances from the pair.

Walking into the kitchen their gazes immediately met. A flash of whiskey in his dad's hand. The look of tiredness in his eyes. The scars from their fight still slightly visible. Grabbing himself a glass of water Alec stood across from his dad. Neither of them speaking a word. Taking a sip Alec broke the silence.

"You need to calm down on the drinking" These words only made Alec's father scoff. Taking another sip of his whiskey he only glared at his son. Looking at the counter top below Alec felt nauseous. He didn't like it, he didn't like this.

"Me and Blake broke off" This only made his father look up. Interest slowly filling his senses. Had his boy finally realised it was a sin. That, that world was not meant for him. Except the drug and cartel world was. He was his son for got sake of course the cartel world was made for him, it was in his blood.

"Are you, gay" Alec heard his dad hesitantly ask this question. Their eyes meeting once more. Biting his bottom lip Alec really didn't know. It was Blake, just him. No one else, just that one boy. That same boy that had made him feel so many alienated emotions. That same boy that had mad his walls build only to crumble again. That same boy that had flipped his life upside down.

"I don't know dad, it's just, him, only him, I can't explain it" Slowly nodding his father took another sip of his whiskey.

"You really care about him, don't you" His dad asked earning Alec to look at his father in shock. He didn't sound angry, hostile. His dad sounded genuine, soft, fragile.

"I do" Nodding his head Alec took it as a queue to continue as his dad watched his every move.

"I've never felt this way towards someone before, we collided and i immediately knew, knew he would mean more to me than anything else in this world, there was just something about him, he brought out the best in me, broke down my walls. Showed me a side that I never knew I had, it was just him, himself, that's all I can say, how I can explain it"

Nodding his head his dad showed a small smile before immediately covering it up with that same dull expression.

"I know you hate me, I hate you, but you can't control my life dad, I am who i am, no I still won't join your company, do the unspeakable acts that you do on the daily but please don't hurt him, I can't have him hurt again, not by me anymore"

Nodding his head again Alec felt a sense of relief hit his body as he drank the rest of his water. Placing the empty glass upon the sink he heard out of the kitchen only to hear his dad's voice.

"I won't do anything but you might wanna stop that Jessica girl before she does"

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