'Purple is my favourite colour' (Nuzi)

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It had been a few weeks since N gifted Uzi her new yellow outfit, she hardly wore it- since it was too nice for school- but deliberately wore it for today.

She, N, V, Lizzy and Thad were all going to the abandoned mall to get some new clothes for the next school year. V and N didn't go to school obviously- they just came along to be with their friends.

Lizzy had been surprisingly nice to Uzi lately- complimenting her outfits and calling out when other students said teased her. She'd especially complimented the dress, pointing out how yellow and purple suited each other. As she said that, she looked at N and winked back to Uzi.

The group reached the mall and V and Lizzy looked at each before V gestured to Thad. Instantly Thad understood and started dragging Uzi away by the arm "Come on Uzi- I need your help picking something out".

N looked at the two walking away, and felt a sting of jealousy. He wanted to go with Uzi! And why was Thad so keen to be alone with her? True he and Uzi weren't actually dating- but he didn't like the idea of someone else having her.

Lizzy and V smiled at N, batting their eyes in innocence. N frowned at them- he knew the signs of V having a plan, and this was a major clue.

Within five minutes of walking Uzi and Thad reached a shop full of casual clothing- with a handful of human skeletons resting inside too.
Uzi saw that the teenager clothes couldn't fit her, and grumbled her way to the kids section.
This would be fun with N... she thought. Uzi liked Thad- but he didn't have the energy that N did. The energy that made her like him so much.

Meanwhile N found himself being shoved into the adults section of a large store by his female companions. V grinned while Lizzy clapped her hands.
"So N, turns out I was wrong about Uzi hating yellow, I admit it does suit her" V confessed, smirking as she lent against a skeleton.
Lizzy sighed "and I guess I was wrong about Uzi being ugly, the dress actually makes her a solid 6/10"

N tried to protest that Uzi was much higher than a 6, but was cut off by V throwing a black polo shirt at him. He caught it and looked at her curiously, but V only grinned wider.

What-what is she gonna do?

Lizzy and V looked at each other one final time before stepping away from N and raiding the racks.
Their male companion stood there blankly, and stuttered "What- What is happening?!?"

Sighing, both girls turned to him in sync "You'll see looser".

A few hours later the group left the mall together, N had barely got to spend anytime with Uzi, but he didn't really mind. V and Lizzy actually had a decent idea that N was keen to try out.
Uzi had managed to find a couple of shirts she wanted, and another beanie almost identical to her usual- but a lot cleaner.

As the group walked N took the lead with Uzi and whispered "Can I show you what I got when I drop you home?"

Blushing, Uzi nodded- she was curious what N had been up to alone with V & Lizzy. Especially since the girls seemed especially giggly when they all reunited in the mall. She couldn't help but assume the worst, and grow slightly jealous at her own assumptions.

The group split as Thad and Lizzy went home, V went to the spire and N went back to Uzis. Luckily Khan wasn't home so she didn't have to create an excuse of why she had a murder drone going into her room.

N convinced Uzi to show off her new tops first, giving him a chance to admire her while thinking of what her reaction to him could be. N managed to say  all the right phrases to keep Uzi happy with her choices.
Finally it was Ns turn. Uzi left the room so N could change, nervously she paced outside her door, practicing incase she didn't like whatever he was wearing.
After a few minutes N called through the door "Guess my favourite colour!"

Wait- what?

"Uhh...Yellow?" Uzi answered, confused why N would ask her such a thing. She heard an adorable giggle from behind the door, making her blush hard.

"Wrong!" N's voice called as he opened the bedroom door.

Uzi looked at him and felt herself blush even brighter. N was wearing a white polo shirt with light purple buttons and a purple collar, he was also wearing a dark purple jacket over his shirt and a silver belt above his purply-grey trousers.

Anxiously N waited for a reaction from Uzi, he couldn't see her expression under all the blush. A moment passed and N assumed that Uzi didn't like the outfit, so he looked down.

Another moment passed and N felt hands wrap around him. Looking up down he saw Uzi burying her face in his chest, visor still bright with purple blush. She had changed back into the yellow dress after showing N her new clothes, meaning that she and N were standing there in each other's colours.

N blushed at the sight of Uzi holding onto him so tight, he placed one hand below her head and tilted it up. She stared at him and he stared back, both taking in the sight of each other, blushing fiercely but not looking away.

They could have stayed like that forever, but Uzi heard her father coming and quickly shoved N off, trying her best to hide the purple blush still coating her face.

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