MD Vampire AU Part 19

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The group stopped suddenly when V heard a distant sound. As the head hunter for the group, she was the only one who could hear it, putting an arm in front of Uzi as she looked around for the source of the sound.

N and J quickly caught up, N placed his hands on Uzi's shoulders protectively while J stood beside V, they listened attentively but nobody but V could hear a peep. It sounded like footsteps to her, small ones, human ones.

A second passed when V reached into her bag and withdrew a short blade, throwing it into the distant darkness with surprising agility and strength, it cut through the air smoothly as it sailed to the cause of the sound.

Within 10 second the vampires heard the sound of impact between blade and surface, influencing V to instantly race towards the sound, closely followed by J and distantly N & Uzi.

Purposely holding Uzi's hand to keep her back, N looked down at Uzi anxiously as they walked behind the others, silently communicating with her.

"Uzi...please tell me you didn't offer to share me with V?" N questioned, looking down at Uzi as he did. His nervous mate answered by slipping her hand out of his and turning away.

That was all N needed to know. "Uzi, I don't want V, even if my 'appetite' increases, I can't imagine anyone else but please don't tell me you want to share- I won't let it happen" he explained, gripping Uzi's shoulders and pulling her in.

The familiar warmth of N's embrace made tears well up in Uzi's eyes. She thought she was making a deal for the sake of the team- but disregarded N's feelings in the process- ignoring his own demeanour towards V.
As the tears leaked slightly Uzi nuzzled further into N's chest, making him sigh as his arms wrapped around her tightly.

"If V really needs it, I'll be affectionate, but I'm not going to do anything beyond gentle touches. Anything and everything else I have belongs to you Uzi, it has since the day we met and will stay that way until the sun burns away at us, I'm yours and you're mine. Okay?"

N looked down at Uzi, tipping her head up slightly as he finished his spiel, his golden eyes looked with her indigo ones as they admired each other's structure once again. Unable to resist, Uzi kissed N's cheek and wrapped her arms around his neck, letting him lift her slightly as she settled again in his embrace.

She was a fool to think she could ever share him, all of his charm and kindness? It was hers. His strength and beauty? Hers. His trust and affection? Hers again.

Whatever deal Uzi had made with V became an afterthought as N carried her towards the other two, having her sit on his left arm while his right stroked her back, Uzi peaceful rested her head on his shoulder as the waves of pure bliss washed over her.

Oh he is mine.

With her mind made up, Uzi knew she'd have to speak to V again, but that could wait until Doll was found.

The peace and warmth around Uzi broke when the two vampires heard a scream from ahead. The voice was too familiar..

"V!" N yelled, racing forwards with Uzi still in his arms, keen to make sure his 'friend' and teammate was alive. He raced through the trees, not realising how far ahead J and V had gotten while he and Uzi spoke, desperately he scanned for signs of movement.

It came in the worst way.

A sudden burst of air from behind made N turn quick- there was nothing there. Nothing behind him, and nothing in his arms.




"UZI!!!" N screamed, hands on his head as he realised his lover was missing. Urgently he scanned the woods, but failed to spot Uzi, N glanced up at the sky and could just about see that the sun was peaking through leaves. He couldn't fly to find Uzi, not that it would work anyway since he wouldn't be able to look through the trees, he'd have to fly under.

Murder Drones Oneshots (mostly Nuzi)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant