MD Vampire AU Part 29.5

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"Um, miss J?" Khan said questioned, wandering into the ruined building nervously, the blood stained picture still in his hand.

J (who was currently gathering blood from nearby corpse), turned to face Khan bloodstained, she tipped her head at the old anxious man. "Yes Mr Doorman? What is it?" She sounded frustrated- he had got in the way of feeding!

Khan nervously held out the picture, not being fully able to form words from fear, J looked at it and frowned- what the heck was the heart for? Even narcissists didn't get a heart when they used the picture trick, they would get a regular circle around themselves.

"You did use your own blood right? And aimed for your wife?" J questioned, in disbelief about the scenario. Khan nodded "Yep, I swear I held my hand right above Nori's face!"

J took a minute to think, this was unheard of, yet she couldn't help but wonder if this could relate to hearing Tessa's voice again. If she got to hear her deceased lover- is there a chance Khan's dead wife could be messaging him?

Khan shuffled slightly, almost annoyed at how long J was holding the picture- it meant a lot to him- every piece of Nori did...even if he wasn't always great at showing it.

Before Khan could shake off his bad parenting guilt J held the picture back out, letting him snatch it back while she pondered the situation, things got weirder and weirder nowadays.

"Mr Doorman, could you explain again how your wife died?" J asked, crossing her arms while waiting for the answer- if Khan's story aligned- then something bigger may be going on...something J had suspected for a while now.

The old man rubbed his head, he didn't like recounting the memory, "Nori was attacked by a vampire, I don't remember which one- but she was suffering so much- she practically begged me to try and end I used a small blade to do what I could" his voice cracked.

J pitied Khan's tears, he definitely missed his wife, and having to put down the one you love would be heartbreaking, but she had a case to crack with no time to be gentle- plus she was never good with feelings anyway.

"Mr Doorman, did Nori ever seem able to read your mind? Like she understood things you never said?" J questioned.

Khan nodded "Always, sometimes I could tell what she was thinking too" he laughed, for him it was a fond, romantic memory of knowing his wife so well.

For J it was conformation "I don't believe you killed anyone Mr Doorman, and I'm starting to think my love may not be gone as well, I've suspected something is peculiar about Uzi from day one- and now I believe I know what it is".

The two looked at each other, Khan waiting for J to explain, and J waiting for him to figure it out.

"I believe Nori was a vampire long before I was Khan, meaning even if she was attacked by one- it wouldn't have killed her- and neither would a metal blade" J explained, making Khan gasp.

If Nori was a vampire before J though- that would mean-

Khan looked up at J once he realised, staring at her in shock as she nodded.

If Nori was a vampire before they had Uzi, then she would be part vampire naturally, and Nori could still be alive.

Took you long enough babe~

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