Clingy N (Nuzi)

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REQUEST BY AVERYLITTLEWITCH (Apologies it kinda goes all over the place but I have a weird brain)

N and Uzi normally spent everyday together, they were friends that had little boundaries- at least in terms of physical interaction- it was pretty often they'd lean on or grip each other without really asking. They never actually established the 'rules' of their friendship- but there was an unsaid understanding that they liked being close to each other.

However, just because Uzi was used to spending everyday with N, normally leaning on or even cuddling with him- doesn't mean she didn't enjoy having some degree of space or alone time to recharge. N wasn't draining her- but Uzi still liked having some degree of boundaries. N had always seemed to understand that, and respected when Uzi needed to be alone.

Until recently that is- for some reason N had decided in the last few days that if he wasn't always right by Uzi's side, then either she was in danger or he was being a bad friend.

At first it was kind of sweet, N clinging to her constantly and trying to keep checking in, but she was starting to get worried about why N was so afraid. He even once risked his own life flying over to her apartment in the sun because he heard she felt a bit sick.

Uzi was pondering how to address N about this when the doorbell rang, Khan was away and Uzi was pretty sure she knew who it was, he had been coming over a lot lately. Sighing, Uzi got up to open the door, revealing the anxious yet energetic N.

"Hey! Are you okay?" N asked, smiling despite shaking with anxiety. "I'm fine N...why did you come over so late?" Uzi asked, clearly tired.

N didn't really reply, he just looked down, not wanting to explain exactly why he was there. Uzi had asked before, and N always ignored or dodged the question, it was pretty much routine at this point. He wasn't ready to tell her he'd had another nightmare- a similar one to the last- but somehow even worse.

I had to make sure she was okay...

Uzi sighed and tugged N's collar slightly, "Come on in- I need to talk to you". N blushed but followed her inside, he let Uzi lead him to her bedroom, watching as she sat down and stared at him. Normally N would sit by her instantly and maybe pull her close- but he knew he'd been pushy lately, as much as he wanted to be near her he didn't want Uzi uncomfortable.

"Sit down N" Uzi demanded, honestly sounding exhausted. N nodded and sat beside her, subconsciously his tail wrapped around the worker as he pondered what she wanted to ask about, he hoped he hadn't messed up too bad. Uzi sighed and lent against N, causing his tail to wrap tighter as his core raced.

Uzi smiled softly while looking up at him "You've been extra clingy lately~ I don't mind but I'm worried about you N" she quietly admitted. N froze, Uzi could see his visor glitch as he began to shake slightly, he seemed terrified at having to explain his reasons. This only made Uzi more suspicious though, so she sat up in N's lap and pet his chin, making N blush yellow but grip Uzi even tighter. He was glad she was close...glad she was safe...

"N, please tell me what's wrong" Uzi pleaded, starting to cup his face, N shook his head in response. Uzi's expression instantly changed as she sighed "Fine, but if you're being like this you're not allowed to touch me anymore".

Immediately Uzi jumped from N's lap, getting out her phone and seemingly ignoring him, even when he got up and pleaded for attention she just ignored him. He tried petting her shoulder and whining but Uzi simply dodged him, mumbling something to herself as she left the room. The effect on N was immense and instant- he liked being close to Uzi- he had to be close to Uzi... what if she was in danger?

Over the next few days N did everything he could to try and get Uzi's attention- but she refused to acknowledge his presence- only mumbling under her breath a few times to remind him what her terms were. He had to explain why he was so clingy.

Uzi wasn't heartless, every time N whimpered or reached for her hand her heart broke, she wanted nothing more than to hug him and get back to normal- but her stubbornness was unbeatable- especially since N knew how she felt about secrets! He knew Uzi couldn't trust people who kept things- so surely he understood what she was doing!


Still, the guilt was eating at her, at the 3 day mark Uzi was sobbing quietly in bed. She was reading a text message N had sent her that morning.

N <3 : Uzi can I please come over today- I won't touch or even talk to you but please- just let me be near you for a few minutes! 12:45

Read 13:08

Little did Uzi know, but N was sitting just outside the Doorman apartment, he'd had another nightmare and needed to know if Uzi was safe. She hadn't answered his message earlier, but at least he was nearby, plus he could see she read it- that was progress right?

N honestly was growing desperate, keen to confess everything to Uzi and be allowed near her again, but he couldn't forget V & J's reactions when they found out about his nightmares. V had laughed while J called him a wimp- N knew Uzi wasn't as cruel as them- but he still didn't want her to think he was a wimp, or that he was obsessed with her since she was featured in every nightmare.

This last one had been the worst, in the nightmare Uzi had lost control, leading N to put her down- she died in his arms.

Unable to hold back, N whimpered loudly and pulled his legs to his chest, he needed to see her- to protect her- he'd do anything.

I don't care if she thinks I'm a coward anymore, I don't even care if I have to confess, I'm talking to her again.

With his mind made up, N texted Uzi that he was ready to talk, barely a second later Uzi slammed her front door open. She was dressed and seemed ready to race outside, but spotted N squatting next to her, unable to hold back Uzi pounced down onto her favourite drone.

N instantly wrapped his arms around her, holding her as close as he could while they both mumbled apologies at each other, they both had fierce tears running down their visors. Uzi had missed N's affection a lot more than she thought she would, and N was glad to see Uzi alive.

A moment passed when Uzi pulled away and cupped N's face. "Now, what is going on?" She demanded, glaring him down, prepared to hear anything. N knew what she wanted, and sighed before letting it out.

"For a while now, I've been having really bad nightmares...about you, normally you die or go crazy! Either way I loose you, and I was getting worried so..." N slowed down at Uzi's teary face.

This was why he'd been so clingy? God they were both idiots. Did N really think he'd be judged for this? Did she really distance herself over nightmares?

Uzi groaned and fell onto N's chest "You are so dumb N...I would have happily cuddled or whatever if you just told me what was going on".

N wrapped his tail around them both "I'm sorry, I thought you'd be disappointed in me...or angry I thought about you so much". To this pathetic line Uzi groaned again, though she seemed a bit more amused now, almost finding the scenario so stupid it was comedic.

"Let's go inside okay? We'll talk about how to deal with this- while cuddling"

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