'I need attention' (Nuzi) (part 1?)

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Uzi woke up and saw that she was alone in bed. She sighed at the sight of Ns empty side, he had been getting up so early lately.

Obviously Uzi didn't mind her boyfriend having a weird sleep schedule, they both had messed up sleep patterns trying to combine their nocturnal urges with being active when the other workers were.
What annoyed her was his new pattern almost being the complete opposite of hers! She had to keep waking up alone.

She'd thought about saying it, about telling N how much she wanted him nearby when she slept, but was worried she'd sound whinny.

Groaning herself awake, Uzi climbed out of bed to find N downstairs, apparently doing a jigsaw that V had brought him a while ago. It was only about 30 pieces, but patterns messed with Ns head.
The sight of her cute boyfriend thinking so aggressively made Uzi grin, quietly sneaking up to him to plant a kiss on his cheek.

N snapped out of his trance "Uzi! Your up! I warmed up some oil for us both- your mug is on the side" he sounded excited.
Uzi smiled back but didn't make a move to get the oil, instead she leant on Ns side and held one of his hands while his other kept working on the puzzle.
She could easily do it for him, but knew that he had more fun doing it himself.

A moment passed and Ns phone buzzed with a message from J. He was due in for work apparently.

Sighing, N kissed Uzi's forehead and left. Leaving her staring blankly ahead, sometimes glancing down at the half finished puzzle.

Despite nothing bad having happened- Uzi felt tears well up in her eyes. N had done nothing wrong- yet Uzi felt awful- she felt angry.

It wasn't anything N had done, but Uzi knew that she wasn't happy alone. Even if it was just for a few minutes- having company is what kept her stable.

Uzi let the tears start as she cupped her face, screaming that she was overreacting. Telling herself it was her own fault.

She stayed like that for 8 hours until N came home.

When N came home, he expected Uzi to either be working on something, or maybe out with V. He wasn't expecting to hear sounds of sniffles from their bedroom.

Immediately N raced inside and found Uzi curled up on his side of the bed, one of his spare coats scrunched up in her arms.
This is a scene pretty much no boyfriend wants to come home too, and N was lost for how to handle it.

Hearing him enter, Uzi sprung up from the bed and tried to explain "I-I was just- I'm okay- just needed to- uhh". She had no reasonable explanation for her state.

Without a word N sat beside her and pulled her into his lap. Stroking her hair and kissing her temple slightly as he did. Uzi gripped his chest and cried into him, apologising over and over for being a baby, while N reassured her he didn't care.

A minute passed and Uzi finally explained what she was doing "I...I don't think we spend much time together anymore...And I really miss just having you here so..." she stopped at the sight of Ns eyes filling up with his own tears.

"I'm so sorry Uzi, if you'd said..." N mumbled his words, kissing his girlfriend's forehead to compensate for what couldn't be said.

Uzi kissed N back on the chin and removed one of her hands from his chest to grab his.
"I really need you N...I don't know why I'm so touch starved but you're the only person who makes me feel so good..." Uzi whispered in Ns chest. Not really sure of what she was saying.

N pulled Uzi up for a proper kiss, he held her head in place for a few minutes while considering how distant he'd become. He really had been sidelining Uzi, not on purpose- he'd never do that- but accidentally. All because he become so obsessed with finding that stupid engagement ring, even with V and Js help he couldn't find one that suited his girlfriend.

He'd never noticed how involved he'd got in it, neglecting the person who all the effort was for in the first place. "Uzi, I'll make more time okay? The second I'm being distant again tell me" N said firmly, keeping Uzi's face in line with his. She nodded back and put her forehead on his. 

"Can we...watch a movie?" She asked quietly, it sounded awkward for once.

N nodded and immediately picked her up to take her downstairs. Uzi blushed but didn't complain.

The two sat and watched together while Uzi rested in her boyfriend's lap. He played with her hair while she nuzzled into the crook of his neck, neither of them were really paying attention to the movie, but that was fine- they had each other.

An hour into the movie N fell asleep, and Uzi could feel herself drifting off slightly when his phone lit up. Normally she would never peak at someone's phone, but N was a dummy would often left his unlocked- and had his notifications show up massive on the screen.

The text was from V, and seemed kinda urgent due to the explanation marks. Worried it was an emergency, Uzi reached for the phone and read-

N: I don't want her stressed anymore- I think I'm gonna stop hunting for a ring. 23:12

V: Oh don't worry about it!!! I found the perfect one today just after you left! You're so getting engaged!!!  00:46


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