Oilsharing (Nuzi) Request

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N could feel himself panting as he held on to the old apartments wall, he had been hunting for hours to find some spare oil, heck- he'd even kill for it at this point. He was starving and could feel his system heating beyond the core of an average planet.

What...what if I borrowed some oil...

Unable to see any other option that didn't involve murder- N spread his wings and prepared to use his little remaining reserves to reach Uzi's apartment- she's the only worker drone who might willingly feed him.

Little did N know, inside the bunker Uzi was having her own meltdown, her core was burning as she desperately tried to resist leaving her apartment. Thank god Khan wasn't home- or else Uzi would have no parents remaining.

Oil...or N...he usually helps.

As if on cue, frantic knocking began echoing from outside, someone was really keen to visit the doorman household. Yet Uzi resisted opening the door, if they came in now, they probably would end up on the menu. However, the knocking only got louder and more frantic, like it was life or death.

Eventually the knocking quieted down, and Uzi sighed in relief. The moment didn't last long however as someone slammed into the door, throwing it across the room as they fell in with it.

Uzi gasped in shock, but was unable to get up and inspect the scene due to her exhaustion, who was nuts enough to blast down her door!?

The body stood up slowly, as if it too was exhausted, the smoke emitting from its gears coated their face- but Uzi would recognise that hat anywhere.

"N...why are you- uhh" Uzi failed to finish her sentence as she slummed onto the sofa, she had no more strength to stand, the warning on her visor only got more and more vivid.

The disassembly drone stumbled beside her, resting his back on the arm of her sofa, he could see the warning displayed on her visor...so they were in the same boat. "Uzi...I...I need oil...can I..." he stopped at the feeling of Uzi tugging his coat, she was looking up at him, purple blush clear on her visor as she prepared her words.

"We...we could both...share..." Uzi's sentence fell apart as she tried to stay upright. N felt his own visor blush at the suggestion, but it honestly wasn't too bad of an idea, they'd both get fed at least.

With his little strength, N pushed Uzi aside slightly and sat beside her on the sofa, he panted while she fell onto his side. They were both starving, but apparently could resist eating each other, N supposed that probably had something to do with their friendship.

Of course deep down he knew it was more- at least on his end.

Uzi breathed heavy as N's hands gripped her waist tightly, she bit her tongue to prevent herself pouncing on him as N placed her in his lap, the groans of overheating mixed with whatever comfort N was providing echoed in her mind.

"Okay...pull down your hoodie slightly, I'll pull down my coat a bit" N offered, anxiously lowering his coat.

Do not screw this up N. Do not screw this up.

Uzi did as instructed and unzipped the top of her hoodie to give N access to her shoulders, despite the urgency of her hunger, she didn't want to hurt him. Anyone else? They'd be dead by now. But N? He would always be spared.

Opening his mouth slightly above Uzi's shoulder, N could smell the cold oil racing around her system, he could almost taste the sweetness he was sure Uzi's oil contained.

Meanwhile, Uzi held her head beside N's neck, she could feel his breath on hers- and it only made her keener to bite... they were doing this together...

"On three, one, two-" N's voice became a blur as hunger overtook both drones, N's fangs dug through Uzi's shoulder as he attempted to reach the oil pipe.

Uzi had tried to bite N, but found herself instead moaning at the sensation of N biting her. It hurt of course, yet the feeling of his mouth on her...it was soothing.

Suddenly the zombie drone could feel her own core throb, and she remembered her own hunger, the sight of N's exposed shoulder made it worse and worse.

Here goes...

It was N's turn to groan as Uzi sank her teeth into him. As a disassembly drone, he never really got injured in a way that could last or even hurt, the feeling of Uzi's bite was brand new.

It's not...bad though.

N could feel his hands slip down to Uzi's waist, unable to resist pulling her closer, she wrapped her hands around his neck and sank her teeth in deeper.

The moment was silent. Both drones were starving, desperately trying to feed themselves, yet also both wondering if they could do more...would this good feeling last? Why did the biting even feel good in the first place?

Technically it wasn't the biting that felt good, it was being so close to each other, tasting each other.

Uzi felt her system cool down, she had more than enough oil to last her until another corpse was found, but she didn't move her mouth from N's neck. She had removed her fangs- but kept slightly sucking and licking N up and down.

N had finished shortly before Uzi, and could feel her tongue still caressing his shoulder, she wasn't biting anymore- so why was she still at his shoulder?

Not like I can judge....i've been pretend sucking for the last 2 minutes at least.

For some reason N found nibbling Uzi soothing, she tasted sweet- her oil and her metal. Holding her so close in his arms made the rest of the world seem to disappear.

"N...are you...full?" Uzi asked, she could feel something dripping from her shoulder, but wasn't sure if it was N's saliva or spilt oil. "I...yeah...you?" N asked, panting slightly as he tried to resist licking Uzi's neck.

Uzi pulled back and nodded, still in his lap but no longer wrapped around him, though N still held her in place.

They blushed at the sight of each other, not only had they made deep piercings in each other metal, but it was obvious where they'd bitten each other for fun.

Uzi in particular seemed embarrassed "So um...I should probably get off you-"

"Uh...yeah.." N said, not moving his hands at all.

"N...let me go..." she pleaded back.

"But...um..." N whined.

"What?" Uzi was slightly agitated now.

"You're not still hungry? Like at all- you can bite more" N asked hopefully.

"If you want me to kiss you, you can just ask" Uzi grinned.

"Yes please" N concluded, eyes wide.

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