Guardian Angel Part 3

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Uzi felt a little odd walking to school with N, but tried her best to hide it, focusing on the test she knew they both had this afternoon.

"Were you upset this morning Uzi?" N questioned out of the blue, slowing his walk to talk to Uzi, who seemed shocked by his statement. She did have a quiet sob earlier that morning while she got dressed- but she thought that N didn't notice.

He's an Angel of course he'd notice.

The worker tried to face palm at her own stupidity, but was stopped by N grabbing her arm an inch away from her face, she looked up to see N looking at her with a concerned expression. God damn it he was cute.

N held onto to Uzi's arm a little longer and lent down to be around her height "What upset you Uzi?" N's voice was as sweet as possible, and ran through Uzi's mind like honey, temptation raced through her- but she couldn't quite map what her temptation wanted- more? More what?

"I...I just get nervous sometimes before school, particularly days I know I'm stuck with Lizzy..." Uzi admitted, fiddling with her fingers anxiously, she hoped N didn't think she was pathetic or anything.

Of course he didn't. N could only feel sad for Uzi, the idea of dreading what should be a safe place because of one person seemed horrendous, though N knew that there were other factors in her hatred.

Feeling slightly sick at the idea of such unnecessary cruelty, N realised Uzi's arm and took a breath, he was the angel of love and Uzi's rage gave him pain. This would be a much harder mission than he previously thought, bringing Uzi permanent joy & care from one of her own would be difficult, though she was pretty trusting and open...that could help.

"Alright then, let's get to school, mind telling me a bit about that Thadson kid on the way? I know everything about you but not really anyone else".

The two walked while Uzi gave N all the information she had on Thad from his birthday to his family to his personality. She and Thad were actually kind of friends many years ago before he became close with the popular kids, he tried to stay in contact with Uzi but she rejected his new group, fearing what Lizzy would become as a teenager.

I was right about Lizzy..but maybe Thad stayed the same.

As if on cue the two reached the entrance to the school hallway, with a confident looking Thad leaning on his locker just by the door, against Uzi's better judgement- she blushed- Thad wasn't half as attractive as N, but definitely was above average for a worker drone.

Thad smiled at Uzi in a friendly way, but then absolutely beamed at N "Hey dude! N right? Mind if I talk to you for a sec?"

N looked down at Uzi to gauge her opinion, she looked up at him and nodded, though she wasn't sure if Thad cared about her being there.

It appeared he didn't as Thad kept going "I wanted to ask if you'd join the Basketball squad- we could use a taller player- plus you get to see all the hot cheerleaders!"

Uzi couldn't help but shiver at the 'hot cheerleaders' line, those were the girls like Lizzy & Rebecca, the ones who constantly made her feel like shit. N seemed to read Uzi's emotions and placed a hand on her shoulder protectively. He couldn't tell what upset her, but was keen to prevent any potential mishaps, he wanted Uzi happy.

"I'll think on it Thad, I've honestly never played much sport, do you have any other hobbies?" N asked, it was quite a strange diversion, if anyone other than N had said it they'd seem weird.

But N was N. So of course Thad couldn't sense the oddity of his words.

"Fair enough- I like video games" Thad stated, putting his hands in his shorts pockets as he spoke, N turned to Uzi and have her a signal.

Gulping down her fear, Uzi trembled as she spoke "What... what games?" Her voice cracked as her visor went purple.

Thad looked at her surprised, like he'd forgotten she was there, "Oh uh- I found this game called GTA or Minecraft, you play those?" Thad replied, seeming confused but happy about Uzi getting involved in the conversation.

Uzi smiled softly back "I like Minecraft, but I've never heard of GTA, mind sending me the link later?"


"Oh what's that Uzi? You asking Thad for his number? Suspicious..."

Not now.

Lizzy had shown up at the worst moment, her close friends standing behind her as a shield, Uzi could say or do nothing. N tightened his grip on Uzi's shoulder, she was doing so well, what had gone wrong?!

Thad- who had been keenly talking to Uzi before- seemed disturbed by what Lizzy said, interpreting what she said as fact, he didn't dislike Uzi, in fact he quite missed their friendship...but he definitely wasn't trying to date her.

Keen to get Uzi somewhere to gather her strength, N tried to encourage Uzi away, muttering excuses as he practically picked her up-

They workers blocked him, ignoring Uzi's state completely they kept talking, asking N a thousand questions like he was the best thing around- which he was...but he wasn't there for them.

Uzi was noticeably shaking by this point, enough for Lizzy to hear and snicker at, Uzi felt her visor glitch as she tried to barge through the group.

A second later Uzi felt her feet lifted from the ground, N had picked her up in his arms bridal style and was holding her tightly to his chest, it was horrendously embarrassing- but Uzi also couldn't deny how warm and safe N's arms felt.

"Sorry everyone, we have to get through" N said, voice a lot more serious than before, it made the workers blush from his directness.  Uzi also flushed brighter, N's face seemed to be shinning, and his eyes glowed brighter.

N walked away with Uzi in his arms, having avoided her getting to upset successfully, but he knew it would only get harder.

As long as Lizzy is around at least...

Murder Drones Oneshots (mostly Nuzi)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat