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I: good morning, kate, i'm going to the library, do you wanna come with me ?

Kate: sorry i can't , i need to write this essay for friday  and i didn't even started

I: then good luck with that 

Kate: thank you, i'm gonna need it 


I: hi, i am looking for a book that talks about th american revolution

X: i'm sorry Miss de Borbon, but you arrived late, the last book that talks about this topic has it....

William: me 

I: oh, it doesn't matter thank you  anyway

William: if you want it, all you have to do is ask

I:  let me think about it.... no 

William: as you want princess 

I: can i ask you something?

William: sure 

I: why do you behave like this?

William: like what?

I: like a child 

William: what are you referring to?

I:kate told me about when you were together, i'm sorry it didn't work between you two, but you can't use me to get to her

William: do you think i'm trying to do this?

I: i don't know, you tell me but that would expain why are you giving me all this attention when there are so many other girls chasing you

William: because i don't want them.....i want you

I: what? you barely know me 

William: this is one more reason to get to know each other better

I: listen, i don't have time for this, i'm here to study and to become an intelligent, independent and responsible woman, plus i will have the future of an entire country in my hands, which you will have too, why don't you focus on this?

William: why do you make a big deal  out of it? i feel like i'm listening to my family

I: because spain has almost always had kings, the last queen regent was queen isabella of castile, many people believe that women are not capable of ruling a country, i want to prove the opposite......why don't you go and talk to elizabeth?

William: no, i prefer to talk to you..... i've always been attracted to blondes

I: i don't know if you noticed but she's blonde too and then  since when do you like blondes ? if you were with kate until a few years ago, she is quite my opposite,  she is brunette with green eyes,

William: what can i say? tastes changes

Fergus: hey will

I: look i have to go now

William: wait....

Fergus: oops, did i interrupt something important?

William: no, nothing important 


Kate: hey, did you find the book you were looking for?

I:no, but in return guess who i found?

Kate: please don't tell me is who i think 

I: exacly him, william 

Kate: that's strange, since i've known him he never went to the library

I: but then his friend came, the boy with dark hair,,,,

Kate: oh, i understood fergus, he's been william's best friend for years now


I: were you expecting someone?

Kate: no, no one

I: me neither

Kate: another strange thing 

I: i'm going to see who it is

Kate: yeah, good idea

William: hey 

I: william? what are you doing here?

William: i wanted to give you the book on the american revolution, i don't need it

I: thank you

William: i'm sorry about earlier

I: me too, i was too harsh on you and i judged you too quickly

William: i would really like to become friends, if you think about it we are both in the same boat

I: right , okay

William: friends then?

I: friends, there was also something else i wanted to tell you

William: sure, tell me 

I:  i haven't had the chance to tell you that i'm so sorry for the loss of your mother, my parents told me about her and the wonderful woman and mother she was for you and your brother

William: thank you, it's really important  to me, i appreciate it

I: good night 

William: night

Kate: who was it ?

I:  william 

Kate: what did he want?

I:he wanted to give me a book that i needed for a history test

Kate: did he come to bring it to you in person?

I: yeah,  i think he wants us to be friends 

Kate: i think he wants something more 

I: okay i don't want to know thank you , good night 

Kate: night 

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