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Felipe: leonor we need to talk

I: why? i didn't do anything wrong dad

Felipe: i know honey, please sit 

I: what's going on?

Felipe: in a few months you will turn 18, this means that you will have to swear on the constitution and the spanish flag and that you will be able to replace me at events

I: yeah i know, but why are you telling me this dad?

Felipe: because honey, it is tradition in our family that once you reach the age of majority, you will have to go through three years of military training, the first year in the land army, the second year in the marine army and the last year in the air army

I: but dad.....

Felipe: i know you probably didn't want to hear this right now but you need to start thinking about what to do after college

I: dad, you know better than me that the military path is not for me, i don't want to break this tradition but before you there was grandpa, before grandpa  there was his father and so on, if my destiny is to become the future queen of Spain i'll do it my way, i know you'll be angry with me now but you know that's not what i want

Felipe: i'm not angry and i don't expect you to give me a serious answer now, you need to think about it carefully

I: there's nothing to think about, i decided

Felipe: i think what we're doing today will help clear your mind

I: what are you talking about?

Felipe: today you, me and your mother will go to visit the military academy of zaragoza, where if you want you will attend the three years of training

I: i promise i'll think about it but don't expect anything, okay?

Felipe: okay, thank you 

Letizia: did you tell her?

I: you knew it? why didn't you tell me anything mom?

Letizia: honey, your father wanted to talk to you about it in person and then you know that i don't like  get involved in these institutional commitments

I: really? so why do you decide where sofia and i go to school, the way we dress, the way we behave and dad doesn't decide any of this?

Letizia: because we agreed that he would deal more with the institutional part while i would take care of everything else

Felipe: let's talk about it later, let's go 


HELLO MAGAZINE: their  majesties the King and Queen together with her royal highness the Princess of Asturias have arrived at the military academy of Zaragoza to visit it, the king chose his military uniform, the queen a white dress below the knee...

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HELLO MAGAZINE: their  majesties the King and Queen together with her royal highness the Princess of Asturias have arrived at the military academy of Zaragoza to visit it, the king chose his military uniform, the queen a white dress below the knee, nude heels and a white handbag while the princess of asturias chose to wear a white dress with black dots, black heels and a bag with the black handle

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