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Sofia: so you've decided to move to England?

I: yes, but you know i'll be back here

Sofia: mom, dad, are you sad now that leonor and i are leaving?

Letizia: we are very sad but at the same time happy that you are having your experiences, then in a few weeks it is also the birthday of a certain young lady who becomes of age

Felipe: are you excited honey?

I: yes, i'm also a little nervous about taking the oath before parliament and the general courts

Letizia: don't worry, all you have to do is relax and enjoy that moment

I: i'll try 

Felipe: speaking of this, there is one thing i have to tell you, i spoke with the prime minister and he advised me that it would be better if grandma  did not participate to your oath on the constitution

I: what? why not? 

Sofia: yes, and then grandma would like to attend the oath of her granddaughter's constitution

Letizia: girls please , let your father finish speaking

Felipe: i too would be happy if my mother took part in leonor's oath, when you two  were little we never told you why your grandfather abdicated the throne, but now you are old enough to know

I: dad, just because grandpa won't come doesn't mean grandma has to too

Felipe: i know you're sorry honey, but as i was telling you, your grandfather is no longer welcome here in Spain, when he was king he created too many scandals both financially and in our family, there is some evidence that he trafficked money from here to Abu Dhabi, the government preferred to exile him to the Arab Emirates indefinitely, and your grandmother, as his wife, was able to stay here but cannot attend some events, this one in particular

I: it's not fair,  grandma's presence has always reassured me on these occasions

Sofia: does grandma already know? If she doesn't know yet, you'll have to tell her

Letizia: yes, we'll take care of it, now we have to go


HELLO MAGAZINE: today is a very special day for Princess leonor, because today she will leave for an indefinite period in england, we don't know if it is for school reasons, personal reasons or perhaps love reasons, her parents, the King and Queen, will accompany her to the airport and her sister Infanta Sofia

HELLO MAGAZINE: today is a very special day for Princess leonor, because today she will leave for an indefinite period in england, we don't know if it is for school reasons, personal reasons or perhaps love reasons, her parents, the King and Queen...

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Letizia: so you will take care of leonor's safety?

Guard: you can bet, your majesty

I: mom, don't worry, i'll arrive safe and sound

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