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I : guess who's back? 

Kate: oh my god, it's you, i missed you so much leo 

I: i missed you too 

Elizabeth: hey, don't you say hello anymore?

I: sorry, i didn't see you 

Elizabeth: how long has it been since we've seen each other?

Kate: too much 

I: girls, i need your help

Elizabeth: you scare me when you say that

I: very funny, do you think i'm a bad girlfriend if i haven't given william's 18th birthday present yet?

Kate: do you already have something in mind?

I: no, i'm lost, i don't even know what i could give him

Elizabeth: don't ask me for love advice, i'm a mess

Kate: don't say that , leo, we'll figure something out

I: thank you 


William: hey, beautiful 

I:  will, how nice to see you

William: for me too, i couldn't wait to hug you again

I: i missed you so much

William: i know, i'm irresistible, i notice something strange about you

I: is that a good or a bad thing?

William: a good thing, i see you more relaxed

I: don't get used to it, it won't last long

Fergus: hey guys, leonor i'm glad you're back 

I: thank you fergus 

Fergus: elizabeth, don't you have to tell us anything?

Elizabeth: no, what should i tell you?

Fergus: i don't know, maybe a certain guy

Elizabeth: what re you talking about? there is no guy, If there was i would have told kate and leo

Fergus: are you sure? i read an article that said the opposite

Elizabeth: let me read this article

BRUSSELS TIMES: Princess elizabeth of belgium has been romantically linked to a boy from Oxford University, Nick Dodd, a normal guy who seems to have won the heart of Princess elizabeth . In fact, the alleged couple have a lot in common: Elisabeth, 18, takes history and politics courses while Nick, 20, reads history, the princess is the eldest of the four children of King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium, as future Queen of belgium, her potential partners are of great importance to her family and the belgian public. Elisabeth is attending UWC Atlantic College, after this final year of college she  will study military and social sciences for a year at the  Military Academy of Brussels  before going to university, a  relative of Nick apparently told a newspaper that the information is "false," but the rumors continue to circulate. The alleged affair between Elisabeth and Nick has sparked interest in its potential to break down social barriers. the prospect of a future queen finding love outside of traditional aristocratic circles is greeted enthusiastically. Elisabeth appears to use a more modern approach to matters of the heart, choosing a partner based on genuine connection rather than social rank.

I: It seems like a dejavu to me from when HELLO MAGAZINE created that whole false story between me and the barcelona player

Elizabeth: to tell the truth, what the article says is not entirely false

Kate: what do you mean?

Elizabeth: i  mean this guy nick really exists in my life, he is attending his second year of university in Oxford, we met at a party, i was back home for the holidays and a friend of mine and i decide to go to one of our friends' parties former classmate, and he was there too, so we started talking to get to know each other better, there was immediately a strong understanding between the two of us and we still talk today but we're not together

Fergus: why didn't you tell us anything?

Elizabeth: because i have to be careful about these personal matters, i can't do what all normal couples do, i can't hold his hand in public, i can't hug him in public, i can't kiss him in public, i can't walk arm in arm with him in public, i can't  do nothing, as this is my role as princess and future queen of Belgium

Fergus: but william and leonor do it, why can't you?

William: because we only do it inside the college, we never went out in public, we did everything privately

Kate: hey, william can i take her away from you for a while?

William: if you really have to

I: it's important, see you later 

William: okay, be careful

I: yeah, love you 

William: love you too 


Kate: so do you have in mind what to give him?

I: i was thinking of giving him a watch, what do you think?

Kate: yes, nice but he hasn't got another 100?

I: no, the one he has is old and broken, when i went to kensington there were no clocks in his room, plus i was thinking i could personalize it

Kate: i like this idea better, what do you want to personalize it with?

I: i don't know yet, but it would be nice if it had his initial

Kate: great idea, i'm in, let's do it

I: perfect, let's go and buy it

X: Miss Middleton, how nice to see you again

Kate: hi, i'm happy to see you again too, my friend needs help with a gift

X: you have come to the right place, miss, how can i help you?

I: i was looking for a watch to personalize

X: this one here, do you like it?

I:  it's perfect,  thanks

X: i imagine it is a gift for an important person

Kate: yeah it is, you can put it on my parents' account, they will come to visit you soon

X: as you prefer miss middleton 

Kate: come on let's go leo 

I: did you know him?

Kate: yes, he has been a client of my parents for years now, his family has always been very close friends with mine, he was my brother's godfather

I: thanks for helping me kate

Kate:  of course, you are my best friend

I: let's hurry, we have to go back to college

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