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Kate: i've missed you so much these days

I: you too, i'm so happy to see you

Kate: where is elizabeth?

I: not yet arrived?

Kate: no, she must have had a last minute commitment

I: yes, maybe but she can't miss william's birthday 

Kate: yes, did you get the invitation too?

I: yeah, with an additional letter, how did these days go for you with fergus?

Kate: very good, we had a lot of fun and my family loved him

I: luckily, that's the important thing

Kate: i have a question, did you know it was william's birthday today?

I: this is exactly what i wanted to talk to you about, he didn't tell me that today would be his birthday

Kate: i remembered it because fergus told me, wow 19 years old, an important age

I: It makes me strange to think that when he and i met, i was 15, almost 16, and he was 17.

Kate: time passes quickly

I: wait, how old do you have to be?

Kate: i have to make eighteen like you next year

I: oh so you're also 2005? i thought you were like william 2004

Kate: no, i was born in january 2005

I: i was born in october 2005

Kate: fergus was born in march 2004 like william only the month changes

I: i wonder if william invited isabella too

Kate: you know what he's like, out of politeness he must have invited her

I: from what little i know I bet she invited herself

Kate: come on, don't be exaggerated leo

I: i'm realist kate

Kate: call it what you want, let's get ready

I: okay 


William: you're here finally

I: obviously, i wouldn't have missed this party for anything in the world, by the way happy birthday

William: thank you

I: i didn't buy you anything, i'm sorry

William: you did well, the fact that you managed to come today is already the best gift you could give me

I: for so little

William: believe me when i tell you i'm glad you're here

I: hey, you don't turn eighteen every day

William: yeah.....

I: are you ok? i see you're a little down in the dumps

William: yeah, don't worry 

I: we said to always tell you the truth, do you want to tell me about it?

William: okay 

I: so what's wrong?

William: do you see that much?

I: i have learned to know you

William: it's just that since my mother has been gone, i don't like celebrating my birthday because every year that passes reminds me that more and more time has passed since she died and her funeral.

I: that's why you didn't tell me it was your birthday

William: actually i didn't even want to celebrate it but my family insisted

I: i know it must be difficult for you today, but I'm sure that if your mother were here she would want you to have fun and have a happy birthday, if you are afraid that one day you will be alone don't be because i won't leave you alone and  i'm  not going nowhere, do you understand?

William: thank you so much leo

I: now let's go back there and have fun

William: okay 

Kate: hey, where did you go? i was looking for you

I: i  went out here for a moment

Kate: everything's okay?

I: yeah

William: can i have a moment of attention please guys? i wanted to thank you for coming today, as you know in a couple of days our last year at college will begin all together, in these two years i have learned many things about myself and my friends, particularly about a special person for me who despite the despite our misunderstandings, he never stopped believing in me, this person has a special place in my heart and i don't think we all know who i'm talking about, having said that, let's enjoy this last year all together and above all let's try to graduate

THE HEIR TO THE THRONEजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें