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It's Quite a Haze...

"Ow!" I blurted out as I was woken up by a super cold can of soda being pressed against my cheekbone which apparently had a swirly blue bruise on it.

"Sorry, I was starting to freak out when you weren't waking up after I tried to multiple times already." Seishu explained as he placed down the freezing soda can beside him on the grass we were sitting on.

I looked around with a confused expression on my face before I gazed back at him and replied, "What time is it?" He then answered, "It's around 7 PM. I didn't know how your brother would react if I dropped you back at your house, so I just brought you here."

I took the can of soda and opened it. "And where are we exactly? Are we near the school?"

He shook his head and said, "Do you remember the match from 2 hours ago?" I had my mouth open as I quietly gasped. Seishu continued, "Yeah. We lost the match. When you got knocked out by one of the Haitani brothers, I immediately picked you up and left that area. I mean... we're kinda close to where that is."

"I'm heavy, huh?" I chuckled as my lips lifted and formed a cheeky smirk. However, Seishu disagreed and went with, "Nah, I just don't have the stamina and enough strength to drag someone for a long amount of time."

I bumped his shoulder with my elbow as I said, "You're a jokester. To see you smiling after losing a fight is unexpected. I guess you just hated those guys."

He exhaled a sigh while answering, "You're on point with that one. They weren't taking their lives seriously and were getting too cocky at the end. I wouldn't enjoy that."

I continued to lightly chuckle but he then placed his hand over my mouth while showing a serious, alert expression. Seishu whispered, "Can you stand up?" I just gently nodded my head as I had my eyebrows furrowed.

Before this, I did hear a bit of a rustling sound in the background and just thought of it as nothing. Who could it be? Haitani or our foes? The leader must have taken my statement too seriously a while ago.

Seishu grabbed my hand and we sneakily walked our way out of that premise. I had my attention glued to our backs while he was leading us to our escape. The sounds of the grass we were stepping on weren't helping. "Seishu, are you feeling alright?" I spoke in a quiet voice as we were moving steadily through the dark grassy area of the field.

He replied with a whispery voice, "Yeah. I guess this is my fault for not bringing us farther away from the danger zone. Promise you won't hold a grudge on me if we ever get beaten up?" I scoffed and said, "What the hell? I won't-!"

"They're gone!"
"Don't worry, I found 'em already."

"Fuck..." I blurted out as the leader spawned in front of us, coming out from the void of shadows. At that moment, I felt Seishu's grip tightened, squeezing my bony hands to the extent.

I straightened my back and struck him a glare, saying, "What do you want from us? You're being a real creep, you know that right?"

The leader answered, "Come on, Y/n! Tell us you're joking. You're not gonna leave us, right? Heck, I would even beg for you to stay. You are our only hope!" His members began to gather and circle around us. It wasn't a fair fight to begin with.

I replied, "Why are you so obsessed with me? I would have reconsidered it but hearing you and your desperate act made me throw that decision away. I hate those who act like dogs."

The leader then grabbed my head with force, his people separated Seishu from me. "What about now? You're losing, Y/n. You and your friend are. You know we won't stop until we completely have you within our reach."

Irresistibly You | A Haitani Rindou FanficWhere stories live. Discover now