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Trim My Heart and Try Again

It is currently four in the afternoon. Looks like it will rain. With the atmosphere being cold and foggy, I doubt anybody will swarm in the streets before the sun sets. The television says so. News is flashing on the screen right now and I am here being a couch potato with a truck of a hangover.

"Flash report! A dozen alerts wore off in a luxurious hotel just an hour ago. One of the staff members found multiple corpses on a particular floor. Witnesses have gathered to report a suspicious individual walking around the building—"

Damn... My head hurts so bad. I need to call... Mari.

I stay frozen on the spot with my head burrow on a squishy pillow and just feel around my phone on the coffee table beside me. Randomly tapping on my phone screen, a sense of relief kicks in when I hear it ringing.

"Knew you would call me." My face drops upon hearing his voice. "I didn't know you miss me this much, Y/n. I mean, you should be more expressive especially since you're an actress, right? You can practice on me, you know."

An instant flashback then shot inside my brain. That's right... I dialed his number that one crazy midnight in his car.

Back to when we were still inside that damn cramped car, I was slightly woken up by this asshole for stupid reasons. Since I wasn't in the mood to argue with him and just wanted to snooze back, I went along with his sayings.

The Haitani sounded pretty annoyed as he complained, "Hey, Y/n, can you dial this number on your phone? Mine's kinda being a bitch right now. I might have to buy a new one..."

"Tch." I sluggishly searched my pockets and then found my phone. Being half awake, I took my time typing the number on the keypad. "Can you listen to it once it rings?"

'Listen to it'? The fuck does that mean?

I placed the phone beside my ear and the person on the other end was none other than—"Hello, Y/n. I finally got your number. You know, I've been meaning to ask for it ever since we faced each other in that ring and—!"

Rindou glanced at me and saw I was back to sleeping. He chuckled softly and said, "So leaving me behind is your answer, huh."

Flashforward to this existing situation I am in, I am deeply flabbergasted and don't know how to escape this scene. It's like every time I am with him, he has got me wrapped around his fingers and I always end up kneeling on the ground before him.

"You just can't resist me, Y/n." Rindou keeps blabbering while I remain silent. "So? Why did you call at this hour? What service shall I do to you, princess?"

A shiver runs down my spine as I hear him saying all this nonsense. With a gruff voice, I say to him, "Shut up for one second, Haitani. If you want to feel useful, call my manager for me or better, leave me alone!"

"And this is what I get for being kind to you. Are they not treating you right? Look, I can treat you so much better—"

"Shut it!" I yell unintentionally. Silence arises on his end as a single word doesn't bubble up. "Forget it. I just accidentally called your number. It's nothing."

"So your head still hurts after all these hours." Before I can even respond to him, he abruptly hangs up the phone. "Wait–! Tsk." Good job me. Hope you're happy with the way things are turning out. He will definitely ruin my life again.

My chest begins to cramp up into a single spot as my eyes accumulate water that soon covers my vision. I utter quietly to myself, "I hate this feeling. I dislike crying." Then, tears stumble down my cheeks nonstop while my mind replays my high school life in front of me.

Irresistibly You | A Haitani Rindou FanficWhere stories live. Discover now