Chapter 51

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"Boxy Boo, you think you could get everyone's attention for me?" Kicken asks his friend. "Of course" said Boxy Boo as he extended his neck making himself taller. "Attention everyone! Kicken and Hoppy have an announcement to make!" he shouts as everyone stops what they're doing to listen. Kicken being nervous looks towards his leader, Dogday, for guidance. He was met with a smile and a nod to go on, and so he did. "So..." he began.


Both Hoppy and Kicken are both walking around the huge factory, they walk into a dark room. "It's boarded up for a reason I think" Kicken said feeling unnerved. "It's okay Kicken, I'll protect you!" said Hoppy running ahead. "Hey" they turned back to look at Kicken who stopped walking to listen. "Want to try hopping with me to the moon and back?" Hoppy said with a playfully daring look in her eyes. Kicken, sensing the challenge, agreed, and they both jumped down to a platform, they didn't realize it was a conveyer belt. As they jumped down Hoppy giggled and got ready as did Kicken both daring the other to back down. Neither did. "On three, one, two, three!" Hoppy and Kicken both jumped, but nothing happened. "Heh.. didn't get very far did we?" They asked Kicken who shrugged. "Again! One, two, three" they both jumped again, but did little progress. Hoppy getting a bit frustrated by the fact they weren't getting far decided to keep going. "Come on, this isn't going to stop until we make it to the moon" Hoppy said as Kicken jumped he looked at his feet to make sure he was actually jumping. "No no don't look at your feet! None of that matters! Jump! JU-!!!!" as Hoppy said that last jump they hadn't realized they were so close to the edge of the conveyor belt, they were screaming as they accidentally jumped too far from the platform"

End of Flashback

Everyone was in shock. "What happened then? Obviously they're okay now, but who saved them?" asked Bobby Bearhug. "Well..." started Hoppy.


Hoppy was falling, screaming, tears were falling as fast as they were. "AHHHH..!!!"  They screamed and closed their eyes, but they felt the wind get knocked out of them, something grabbed them and they were flying in the air. They whimpered but wouldn't open their eyes. Finally they stopped flying and opened their eyes to a large row of teeth.

End of Flashback

"And that's when we met Boxy Boo" Hoppy smiled towards their friend. Kicken and Hoppy both looked at their friends and leader. Dogday was frowning, and seemed to be deep in thought. After a while he sighs and smiles up towards the two. "Glad you're okay Hoppy, thank you for saving them Boxy Boo" he says smiling up at Boxy Boo who smiles down at the dog mascot. "Why leave though?" asked Catnap. "We-" started Hoppy. "We shouldn't leave this place, it's safe here" Catnap reminded them. "Yeah, but it's-" Kicken tried. "Don't ever leave again, Huggy you and your friends can come whenever you want, but Kicken and Hoppy will no longer be allowed to come to you guys" he said. Everyone agreed much to the disappointment of Hoppy and Kicken. "It's for safety, plus we need you two here, Hoppy almost... we almost lost them" said Catnap looking at the ground deep in thought. "Catnap's right, unless it's an emergency, nobody can leave the Playcare" said Dogday.

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