Chapter 86

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They all walked over to Bobby Bearhug's house. They kept up some small talk on the way there, about the school, the day, the kids they wanted to teach, lesson plans. They talked a lot about how happy their lives were together and how thankful they were to have each other. As they made it to Bobby's house Dogday noticed the claw marks on the window. 'Strange..' he thought as Catnap knocked on the door. Hoppy answered within seconds "hey guys.." they yawned. "Umm..." Dogday had no words to say as he kept looking towards the window. Hoppy's eyes followed him, and they just sighed. Everyone looked towards the rabbit in question, but Hoppy dismissed it, and said "let's start off this school day good, only got a few minutes until it starts, we better hurry" they smiled a nervous smile as Dogday looked at the rabbit with an arched brow and arms folded. "Sure, let's go.." Dogday said leading all his friends to the school for the day.

Miss Delight was in class already helping the students put their backpacks away, and getting out the right supplies to start off their day right. "Alright, class will begin in 15 minutes everyone, hurry and get to your seats, you may talk before the bell" she announced as the students all started to chat amongst themselves.

Dogday and Catnap shot each other nervous glances at each other, and especially at Sunshine and Moonlight. "We got this" said Dogday as he led Catnap, Alya, and Angel into the classroom.

Picky Piggy smiled at herself as soon as she saw that Dogday and Catnap were bringing Moonlight and Sunshine to class they were overjoyed. "It's about time something exciting happens around here" she giggles going to her own cooking class. Crafty and Bubba started to both work together in one class since they can work well with Bubba explaining science, and Crafty drawing out pictures to help the visual learners. 'No student left behind' as Dogday always said.

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