Chapter 141

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The third cell the CEO looked inside he smirked at the small cat in the middle of the room attempting to walk but constantly falling over. "Hello Candycat" said the CEO spooking the poor cat as she jumped and attempted to run, but she didn't seem to understand how to move her paws at the same time to get herself to run, suddenly she was face to floor yet again. "Arghh... I'm not used to four paws!" she complained as she tried to get up, she also noticed the CEO came into the cell with her. Having the CEO in there with her she suddenly felt very small as the man towered over her tiny toy form. "Please don't hurt me..." she whimpered as he picked her up and started to walk back to his office with Candycat in his grasp. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you Candycat, just want to give you a new home" as she noticed his smirk she moved her head to look at his desk. Her heart sank as there on top of the CEO's desk was plastic moldings, perfect for her new form to fit, and a box labeled Candycat, along with a few zip ties, and twisty ties. "Wha.. What are you going to do to me?!" she asks suddenly fearing for her life all over again. "Like I said Candycat, just giving you a new, permanent, home" with those words said Candycat was placed in the plastic molding, and felt the twisty ties and zip ties start to get looped around her neck, legs, and torso, one of the zip ties were then placed over her mouth just like a muzzle. Her eyes widened and they darted from left to right as the CEO placed the other plastic molding around her using zip ties to keep them together before sliding her inside the box and sealing the box with glue. 'NO NO NO PLEASE THIS CANNOT BE MY END' she silently pleaded as she was then placed on a shelf, alone, and isolated from everyone around her. 'Someone... please help' she begged silently as a tear escaped her eye as the CEO walked back to his seat and did paperwork completely forgetting about the living toy he just imprisoned forever.

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