Chapter 73

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The whole day Kicken had been worrying about Hoppy. "Hoppy is alone! They need me!" he was panicked at recess. Bobby Bearhug went over and hugged the chicken. "Relax.. if anything Dogday, Catnap, Alya, and Angel went to spend time with Hoppy. "How do you know?" Kicken asked looking towards the red bear who smiled and responded confidently "I saw them going over to Hoppy's house a few hours ago" that put Kicken as ease. "Dogday's presence can make anyone feel better, he's a good friend, even Catnap himself is amazing" Kicken said smiling a bit while his friends all nodded their heads in agreement. "Plus the kids they're raising are amazing as well" said Picky making everyone agree. The bell rang and they had to corral all the kids back into the school. "It's funny though, Dogday's always been the best with the kids, he's got a heart of gold, and helps others even if he's not doing well himself" comments Kicken as he ushers a few stray kids hiding back into the school. "It's strange, I think he's too selfless sometimes, could be hurt by that..." thought Bobby but she quickly shook it off. "I'm sure it's fine, this job is the best, we get to see the kids smiles, and hear their laughter everyday" she giggles. "True, we are living the dream here, and nobody can take it away" said Crafty.

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