Chapter 109

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Hoppy stood at the entrance a bit too long making eye contact with Catnap. Catnap gasps as the green bunny runs away. 'Was that... no. It couldn't be... could it?' his thought racing with a million questions as the others started to wake up. He looks around at his friends feeling a bit ashamed for his own ability to produce poppy gas, but he can't help it, and this time wasn't his fault or even his own doing. Most of his friends are awake by now questioning him on what happened, but he can't bring himself to explain it. "I... I don't know... the pla-" he was explaining until Kickin screamed. "Where is Hoppy and Dogday?!" he ran into the school, and as he opened the nurse's office his heart dropped. "Where are they?!" he stormed up to Catnap as he eyes the red mist near his feet "did you do this?!" he screams in Catnap's face. Picky Piggy grabs Kickin and pulls him away from Catnap. "Relax Kickin, you are making Catnap scared!" she yells at Kickin trying to get him to stop. "But the pop-" he tries to explain but Picky was having none of it, she shakes her head and holds up their hoof to Kickin's beak "you need to apologize to Catnap, obviously something happened that made him uncomfortable, or he wouldn't be cowering on the floor right now" and it was true when Kickin looked back at Catnap he was on the ground crying into his paws. Apologies spewing from his mouth at lightning speed, the purple cat was shaking badly, and Kickin started to feel guilty about yelling at Catnap. "I- look Catnap, I'm sorry.. I'm just scared to lose he first friend I ever had a connection to in this place.." Kickin apologized as he rubbed his left wing over his right wing staring at the ground with an apologetic look on his face. Catnap could relate, he missed Dogday too, but had no idea where they could be, or what happened in that office. All that was for sure was Catnap was going to find that green bunny he saw earlier, they seemed too familiar to just forget about. 'Could have been Hoppy..' he thought, his ears were pinned back looking at the exit of the Playcare.

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