Chapter 155

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At school all the Smiling Critters said their goodbyes to Frowny Fox as he walked into his own class. "Heyyy students" he said with a smile, but the students all stared at him. "Uhh.. what's going on?" he asks as the students turn away from him and look at Miss Delight's sister instead. She gives Frowny an apologetic look and class begins. Frowny was ignored for most of the class, told that his smile was ugly, and that he didn't fit in. Frowny Fox was so hurt by recess he had stopped trying to smile and be happy. "If they only see me as a frowning fox, then that's who I will be.." he said frowning at the ground. As Frowny walked outside he saw Dogday and Catnap in their tree, so we stuck by Hoppy and Kickin as the two played hopscotch with the kids, surprisingly Hoppy was pretty bad considering their name had hopscotch in it. Kickin was a pro, but he was going easy on the kids to make sure they all had fun. When it was Frowny Fox's turn he refused to go as he just seemed to enjoy watching. As soon as he felt a smile tug at the corner of his mouth though he immediately turned it into a frown, Kickin and Hoppy both saw the internal struggle he was going through and decided to do something about it. "Hey, you okay dude, you don't seem like you're enjoying recess that much" Kickin said as he placed his left wing gently on Frowny Fox's shoulder. "I'm fine.. just a bit upset" Frowny said as he turned the other way, and decided to see what Craftycorn was up to. Kickin and Hoppy were both confused but decided to let it go and talk to Dogday and Catnap about it later after school.

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