Chapter 67

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"Well.. something happened to Hoppy, but we will let them speak on their own time" Huggy explained. Kicken nodded, and Bobby, Bubba, and Crafty all ran in, and immediately went to hug Hoppy. "Thank goodness you're okay.. WHAT HAPPENED?!" Crafty asked concerned for her friend as she saw Hoppy's red paw, and red marks on their face. "N-Nothing..." Hoppy said gently rubbing their arms, ears dropped, looking away from everyone in the room. "I'm sorry if I made everyone worried..I really didn't mean to... I was just... I don't know.." Hoppy tried to explain but couldn't. Everyone looked at them in understanding. "Don't rush it's okay, explain when you're ready.." said Bobby. Hoppy nodded looking towards the ground. Just as Hoppy opened her mouth again the door opened yet again, and Catnap stood there. "Glad you're okay, where are the others?" He asked noticing a lack of Mommy Longlegs, and Kissy. "They went to get themselves together since it's Monday and we open in 1 hour" said Huggy. Catnap nodded in understanding as the others noticed Dogday was gone as well. Alya and Angel also came in and ran over to hug Hoppy. "Thank goodness you're okay!" They exclaimed. Hoppy smiled a gentle smile at the two kids. "I'm okay thanks to all of you guys.." Hoppy still seemed shaken up. "Why don't you go wash up and we will see you later tonight" suggested Huggy as he headed towards the door with Boxy Boo and Bunzo. "Okay.. see you guys later tonight" Hoppy said shaking a bit. Kicken Chicken put the blanket he was using on Hoppy's shoulders and smiled at them. "We will help you" he said with confidence. Hoppy looked around the room and saw everyone was smiling at them and nodding their head yes. "Thank you all so much.." they smiled, and looked around again. "Hey, where's Dogday?"

Dogday was asleep at his house cuddled with the mini Dogday. Catnap smiled at the thought.

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