[LotB × Origins SMP] New Dimension/an Owl's Journey

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Takes place in the Revived Herobrine ARC up to the peasant Core Cracker ARC. mwhehe

something something someone made a joke that origins!Box went to the Steve Realm through the Deep Dark Portal and ah ran with it lmao

also including my crack idea of origins!Sam being the Core Cracker because. come. come on. don't tell me u don't see it at least a little bit.

i did plan to write a thing for it but uh. well. gestures at the MC Dreams & LotB Crossover Book. that's kinda takin' my focus atm.  y'all are gettin' the summary of it tho!! :3

yeah so basically the main plot is that the deep dark portal was a gateway of some kind and it ended up taking Box to the Creator Hub instead of

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

yeah so basically the main plot is that the deep dark portal was a gateway of some kind and it ended up taking Box to the Creator Hub instead of. y'know. Deep Dark Dimension.

very awkward moment between the owl & the creators.
then jeb kinda yoinked him out of the Hub and into the LotB universe because. wtf was he supposed to do?? their hub just got breached??
whatever happens next between the creators are up to ur imagination lmao.

soo now Box has to survive in said universe. he's gonna learn a lot of new things, & figure out somewhat early that respawn still works but this time it leaves phantom pain (not great).
figuring out how to live in this damn world is. gonna be an Experience.

and also that the weird guys that dragged him here (the creators) are watching him. fun.

as for origins!Sam bein' CC.. uhh something something he wants to bring back everyone that was in his universe (origins smp) that was in The Reset™ and get them to a safe place (the LotB Aether that he has access to).

his whole thing with the Cores is that he does want to free everyone still, but that's like. Second priority. get his friends back, before freeing everyone in the LotB universe. he's stalling :))
(and because the universe is very possessive of its inhabitants.)

also for this AU's Origins Reset™, it's that everyone that was still on that earth was reborn into different universes. they might not remember for a bit, but they all remember eventually.

Sam remembers almost immediately as he was reborn. lucky lmao.
he's also a Voidling cuz. Reborn.
he's not an end bein' no more folks xP

now, a scene i thought of when this crossover was eatin away at my brain:

CC/origins!Sam fighting the End guards guys whatever, the dimensional children & Balance. CC is clearly winning.

as soon as CC was about to say some shit, he gets nuked by a Solar Strike. something that he immediately recognize by both the sound and the blinding agony his body is in. the cores did little to help with that 1 xP

anyways everyone is confused, cuz CC just got nuked, course they're confused.

and then CC spots a familiar Owl in the distance on an end island nearby. who immediately turns tails and booked it.
which uh. yeah CC caught up QUICK.

like, Quick quick. like the Dimensional Children & Balance & everyone didn't even saw him move.
he was near them one moment, and then he's tackling some guy that clearly wasn't an end being that was in the end for some fuckin' reason.

Box stopped trying to get out of CC's hold when he heard Sam call out his name. which, Box returns that by calling out Sam's name.
Recognition & Familiarity. something that Box didn't have for a good while.

that didn't last too long as well, the LotB gang pulled up and immediately tried gettin' CC away from the Owl Man thing. since well, CC was just beating the crap outta them like 2 seconds ago, who knows what he'll do to this random ass Owl.

Sam whispers a question to Box, he confusedly answers, and then Sam held Box "Hostage". said something like he was takin the Owl home or something,
and then they both go *poof!*

Ather time :D

yeah the Ather is Ather. it's not empty like in Canon tho, it's like. it's like the Ather Mod. basically just the Ather Mod lmao.

soo yeah. Box's there now. going happy nuts over the new dimension and the fact that there's someone he knows that's here!! said person is probably not a gud guy in this universe's people's eyes, but too bad!!

they get to catch up and shit. Sam not having to act like CC anymore and Box finally being able to talk to someone he knows after years of being stuck in this wild-ass universe.
and them exploring the Ather as like a lil duo is fun.

might add some more stuff when i get ideas but for now that's all i got. once more, i encourage you to ask questions because I love answering them and getting to make more stuff for my AUs/Crossovers xP

also Crossover Name is a WIP. couldn't figure out what to name it so that's the placeholder lmao XP, accpetin' suggestions if y'all got ideas.

sorry for any weird wordin' and misspellings. i shouldn't be awake rn but too bad. i need this idea out here.

anyways, have a gud day fellas!!

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