6. Family Moments

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It was midday, and Michelle Dee, the head of the Dee family, sat peacefully on the living room couch, reading a newspaper. Her wife, Anntonia, and their two children, Dani (an 11-year-old girl) and Jun (a 13-year-old boy), were also in the room.

Michelle: *peacefully reading her newspaper* "Hmm..." *suddenly approached by her kids*
Dani, Jun: *sitting beside her* "Dad, can we do something for you?"
Michelle: "Hmm? Not really." *continues to read* "...besides, I am your mom too."
Dani: *ignores what was just said* "Your shoulders look tight... Maybe we can give you a massage?" *stands up, goes behind the couch, and starts massaging*
Michelle: "Oh, that feels good." *enjoys it*
Jun: "Maybe you want something to drink too?" *stands up, walks to the kitchen, and returns with a glass of water* "Here you go."
Michelle: "Oh, thanks, kid." *takes the glass and drinks from it*
Jun: "Maybe something more?" *looks at Michelle*
Michelle: "Thank you, kids, for your kindness. So, what's the reason for this?" *looks at them with a smile* "...because when you do this, you always want something."
Jun: *smiles awkwardly* "We just wanted to be nice, that's all."
Dani: "Yeah, that's true."
Michelle: *looks at them* "Nice to hear it, but..." *takes a deep breath* "...but your mom Anntonia was faster than you two."
Dani, Jun: "That's not fair!" *both pout*
Dani: *mumbling* "Not again! We wanted some money too."
Jun: *with an angry voice* "I told you we had to ask for it already in the morning. But nooo... you always need some plan."
Dani: *pouts* "Mou... don't blame me... It was your idea too." *goes back to their room, Jun following her*
Michelle: "Hehe... just like their mommy Anntonia." *continues reading the newspaper*

After a while...

Michelle: *hears some footsteps* *suddenly feels hands around her neck, gets hugged* "Oh..."
Unknown person: "What are you doing?" *speaks in a low voice*
Michelle: *smiles* "Nothing much... Honey."
Anntonia: "Hmm... You smell nice." *nuzzles into Michelle's neck*
Michelle: "Honey, stop tickling me." *tries to resist* "...By the way... the kids tried your method of getting money from me."
Anntonia: *with an innocent voice* "I don't know what you're talking about." *goes around and sits beside Michelle*
Michelle: *puts down the newspaper and looks at her wife* "So, tell me... what did you buy?"
Anntonia: *starts to stroke Michelle's hair* "Hmm... then you will see it."
Michelle: *thinks* "...Is it something I can eat?" *excited*
Anntonia: *with a seductive voice* "Well... You can take it that way too." *grinning*
Michelle: *looks suspiciously at her* "What's that supposed to mean?"
Anntonia: "Hehe... don't worry. You'll see it later."
Michelle: "Oh..." *still confused*
Anntonia: *bends closer to Michelle and whispers in her ear* "...but only when our kids fall asleep." *traces fingers on Michelle's chest*
Michelle: *gulp* "C-Can't wait?" *smiles awkwardly*
Anntonia: "Trust me, you'll like it." *grinning*
Michelle: "Oh boy..." *in thoughts "And you kids still wonder why mommy Anntonia is always the first to get what she wants."*

The end.

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