10. Let me hear it

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“Don’t move.” She said, pressing her ear on her girlfriend’s chest, right where the heart is.

“I told yo-”


The girl sighs and her girlfriend giggles; she can’t deny that this little random action is cute. It became a habit, whenever they were hugging or lying down, Anntonia would press her ear on her chest in an attempt to hear her heart. And every time it ended in the same way: Anntonia frowning and pouting.

This time wasn’t different.

“I can’t concentrate because you keep moving and making noises.” She whined.

“How long are you gonna keep doing that though?” The girl, who is under Anntonia, placed strands of hair behind her girlfriend’s ear.

“Until I can hear it.” Anntonia deadpanned.

Michelle really didn’t know if Anntonia was messing with her or if she really meant those words. She kept looking at her girlfriend in the eyes while her thumb caressed the silky, tender and reddish skin of her cheeks. Without really coming up with an answer, Michelle, pulling Anntonia’s chin up, leaned towards her and kissed her sweet lips. Anntonia readjusted herself over her girlfriend, almost purring when their lips made contact.

It was so long since either of them were at their respective homes; Michelle, being the CEO of her own planning event’ company, is a very busy person. Last time they were together like this, Anntonia mused, nibbling her girlfriend’s lower lip, was about a month ago when Michelle announced that she would had to leave the country to host the wedding of one of her high ranked clients. This made Anntonia sad, of course, but also jealous. She asked her why couldn’t accompany her, she even promised to help. But Michelle disagreed. This lead to a little argument, which escalated until finishing in heated sex.

Michelle never wanted to take Anntonia with her because it would distract her and she couldn’t afford that. Not only would she think about Anntonia all day, but she would also end up imagining her in certain dresses, saying certain lines, drawing the attention of all male and females, and Michelle wasn’t really a patient person. She was sure sooner or later the two of them would end up in some corner, making out.

Michelle could feel how Anntonia placed both hands on each side of her head, securing her there. She knew what was going to happen, but it would not allow it. With one hand around’s Anntonia’s nape, she pulled her down, invading her girlfriend’s mouth with her tongue. Anntonia’s body trembled with anticipation, but it didn’t take too long for them to separate their lips, and for Anntonia to gasp for air.

“I’m sorry, I got too into the kiss,” Michelle looked at her worriedly, “are you okay?”

Anntonia let her head to rest on Michelle’s shoulder and nodded, she wanted to speak but right now her body’s top priority was breathing. She held her index finger in the air and closed her eyes. She was aware of the fact that Michelle was different, hell, she was sure that her little habit was totally a waste of time, but she wanted to do it anyway. She wanted Michelle’s heart to beat.

When she calmed a bit, she looked up to her girlfriend’s impassive eyes and smiled. That exact expression of worry was there when Michelle revealed her secret, and for some reason Anntonia wasn’t scared or shocked. Instead, she found Michelle even more fascinating and beautiful.

Anntonia still remembers that day.

“I’m a vampire,” Michelle finally said, after many minutes of silence.

Michelle was expecting either of two reactions. One, and the most common she always got, laughter. Every person she confessed the truth to would first laugh, tell her to stop joking around, and to be serious. Michelle never took it personally, after living so many years, she got used to those reactions; it wasn’t until she showed them some kind of proof that they believed her.

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