Chapter 19 : Unwanted Problems Part 2

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SN Oktyabrskaya Revolutsiya

When the crew of the SN Oktyabrskaya Revolutsiya taking a break from the skirmish earlier, radar operator told Captain Malinkov that 22 ships was heading towards Amanoki

Captain Malinkov: Tell our Diplomats in Fenn about this and also prepare for anti-ship combat, I have feelings we will fight those ships

Staff Officer: Da, Comrades

Royal Castle, Fenn

Fuutarou: What a mess... We've certainly stepped in it now...

Soviet Foreign Affairs officials Fuutarou Uesugi was somewhat at a loss after observing the Soviet Navy suppress the squadron of unknown origin that showed up to attack the Kingdom of Fenn. They had somehow got involved in an international dispute... it seemed that the Soviet Union was horribly unlucky, but this could be used to bolster Soviet influence and spread socialism in Third Civilization Area

However, those unknown forces clearly attacked SN Oktyabrskaya Revolutsiya guided-missiles cruisers first, almost hitting the stern and causing a fire. No matter how you looked at it, they had retaliated in self-defense

There were also many enemy units; if the Soviet Navy hadn't intervened, it would have been difficult to drive them all off, and Fuutarou himself, who had been near the palace, would have been in serious danger. The Soviet Navy clearly also wouldn't take any blame. Having this occur when they just happened to be in Fenn was simply bad fortune. Fuutarou cursed his own luck

Before things settled down, the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs canvassed the area and determined the following:

- According to the Kingdom of Fenn and the military officers from other countries, the attacking force was most likely from the Parpaldia Empire, a country located 500 km to the west from Fillades. They belonged to the Third Civilization and were considered one of the world's five superpowers

- The squadron belonged to Parpaldia's so-called "Imperial Oversight Army," and they were probably dispatched by the 3rd Foreign Affairs Department, which deals with countries outside of the civilized area

- They must have been executing a punitive strike on the Kingdom of Fenn and chose the Military Festival in order to assert their authority over all the countries in attendance. In other words, this was gunboat diplomacy

- As reported by the Soviet Navy, there was a fleet of 22 ships about 200 km west of Fenn that was currently sailing east at about 15 knots

A confrontation was imminent. That evening, although there had already been an existing conference scheduled with Fenn, the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs contacted Fenn's department of diplomacy with some urgency to set up an emergency meeting

That same day, noon, Castle of the Tree of Heaven, Fenn Kingdom

A group of officials from Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs waited in a guest room. While the Kingdom of Fenn wasn't very rich, the guest room for diplomats was elegant without being gaudy; it was overall a very pleasant room. After a short time, Knight-Captain Magreb came to greet them

Magreb: Honored guests from the Soviet Union. Please allow me to express appreciation on behalf of the Kingdom of Fenn. During the ambush earlier, your forces were incredibly adroit at exterminating the enemy forces

the knight-captain lauded solemnly with his head bowed low

Fuutarou: Not at all, our intention was not to repel the attacks on your country, we simply retaliated against an attack on our forces

The delegation from the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs tried to play off their involvement. The Kingdom of Fenn was chomping at the bit to become an ally of the Soviet Union, but with the recent incident...

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