Chapter 43 : The End of Tragedy

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A/N: Heyyo readers, before you all start reading this chapter, i (not, maybe?) recommend to hear this soundtrack while reading this chapter, if you want

Please note that recently I found (already know it for long time, maybe 🤨) this soundtrack while scrolling in YT and when i play this video and hearing the soundtrack (again), that's so nice to hear and i decided to put it here 😁

Central Calendar Day 3 Month 3 1640 (2025), Parpaldian Socialist Republic, capital Esthirant, special prison

The prison was dim, and no sound from outside could reach them. In the otherwise suffocating silence, the only sound came from the intermittent drip-dropping of water. Outside the cell, there were a number of men dressed in black suits; within the cell, there was a woman restrained with an iron collar and chains

The woman glared at the men so hatefully it almost seemed as though she were going to lunge at them any moment. One of the men took a step forward and addressed the woman

Fuutarou: Long time no see. Not since... the empire formally declared war. Remille

Remille turned away from Fuutarou's gaze and hung her head down

Remille: ......How disgraceful

She truly looked pitiful now. But, when she put that admission into words, her life and upbringing as part of the imperial family and the pride they gave her sparked a flame of anger within her

Remille: Do you think this insolence will be allowed? To hold captive a citizen of the Parpaldia Empire, a superpower, and a member of the imperial family, no less... Do you really think you will be forgiven for this?

She was, of course, well aware of her position at the present, that she was completely out of luck and out of time. However, her pride would not allow her to admit it, and she did everything she could to project this brazen façade

Remille: You are all from outside the civilized areas. No matter how many barbarians a superpower kills... For something as little as that, for you to look at me with those eyes! Me, the royalty of a superpower! You will not be forgiven for that!

Fuutarou darkened in anger

Fuutarou: Like I thought... from where I'm standing, the only uncivilized barbarian I see is you

Remille: Gh-!!!

Remille was so overtaken with fury that her face became distorted

Remille: I am kin to the emperor! Those I ordered to be executed... those who died were only commoners!!!

Fuutarou: So what?! Do you think your sins would be forgiven for that reason?! Do you think people of other countries are things without hearts, without feelings, bitch?! They all had families!!! How many people do you think wept because of your actions?! How many lives did you derail or cut short... did you ever think of that?! Do you think that human lives come into existence without any meaning, without any thought? You cannot raise another person without love!!! Those lives that you snuffed out without a second glance received tremendous amounts of love from their parents as children, those priceless lives were raised with the love and support of countless other people!!! And you took those lives away, like they were just toys for your amusement!!! And far from regretting your actions, you still insist on spouting that primitive self-centered garbage, bitch!!!

Remille was silent for a time, then began to sob hysterically

Remille: Ah... Aaahhh! Uaaaahhhhhh!!!

Deciding to end the conversation here, Fuutarou gave the order to the accompanying Militsiya Officers

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